Matthew pfp
quick poll: would you rather look at plants / windows as you work or have them in your zoom background?
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Matthew pfp
i’ve chosen to prioritize myself, sorry zoom
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Britten Wolf pfp
Britten Wolf
Both? A welcome to the jungle level of plants surrounding me.
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Balazs 🎩 pfp
Balazs 🎩
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Dave pfp
Look. Those plants are for you.
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0xUgly pfp
Outside my setup window is a mix of 5 storey buildings + an organised jungle I would say + I live near an airport. So things are pretty lively
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Kevin 🎩 pfp
Kevin 🎩
Window to look at 🪟. It’s nice seeing the outside and limit the reflections on your screen. Plants both in the back and to look at 🪴
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