Carlos Matallín pfp
Carlos Matallín
What keeps you optimistic and what are you excited about this weekend?
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9 reactions

Zeebu pfp
Making some GPTs. Figuring out how Actions work. It's 3am and I like it a lot
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adrienne pfp
Et tu?
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Daniel Lombraña  pfp
Daniel Lombraña
Live concert tomorrow!
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Ben  🟪 pfp
Ben 🟪
1. My son 2. Christmas songs and Purple strategy
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kevin j 🤗 pfp
kevin j 🤗
5000 IU of vitamin D excited about getting the old trading view alerts back up and running
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Pauline Unik 🌶️ pfp
Pauline Unik 🌶️
My friends. Social interactions just give me energy and optimism :) Excited to spend some time with friends and work a bit (yes, work, lol)
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McBain  pfp
Every moment is a gift and is worth being grateful for
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3 reactions

 not parzival pfp
not parzival
most of the universe is unexplored and technical unlocks happen every day, i'm excited that the lawn mower work week is over for 2 days
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adrienne pfp
Optimism feels better. Creating and learning helps sustain it. Happy to be alive this weekend. Meeting friends for drinks tonight.
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frdysk | 0.78% pfp
frdysk | 0.78%
Coffee in the morning, eating Mak's noodle flown frozen from hongkong
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rileybeans pfp
Well, I'm still upright and listening to music :) optimism is good. life is good. just happy to be here.
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notdevin  pfp
Generically, goals maintain the optimism since I have something to measure against. I’m excited for a break in the wind so I can go run off a cliff somewhere
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