Masterdai 🎩 pfp

Masterdai 🎩


81 Following

Masterdai 🎩 pfp
Masterdai 🎩
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Masterdai 🎩 pfp
Masterdai 🎩
Sunshine 🐱
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Masterdai 🎩 pfp
Masterdai 🎩
This article presents my perspective on the challenges encountered in building infrastructure for the crypto domain, as well as a novel interpretation of shadow fork.
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Masterdai 🎩 pfp
Masterdai 🎩
We shape our tools, and thereafter our tools shape us.
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Masterdai 🎩 pfp
Masterdai 🎩
Scoff not at probabilities, life's woven thread, The electron cloud's haze surrounds us, unsaid. If AI emerges from that quantum bloom, Then our lives too arise from probability's womb.
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Masterdai 🎩 pfp
Masterdai 🎩
Agentic workflow is very interesting. I tried it out, and by prompting to define multiple collaborative agents, the effect was much better than simply constraining the query.
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Masterdai 🎩 pfp
Masterdai 🎩
It’s 2024 and still not easy to publish your own website.
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Masterdai 🎩 pfp
Masterdai 🎩
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Masterdai 🎩 pfp
Masterdai 🎩
A warm Farcaster welcome to @fbeauty!
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Masterdai 🎩 pfp
Masterdai 🎩
A warm Farcaster welcome to @conanxyz! Have fun !
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Masterdai 🎩 pfp
Masterdai 🎩
A warm Farcaster welcome to @miraclemll!
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Masterdai 🎩 pfp
Masterdai 🎩
I took some time to focus and finished reading three reports, specifically from Messari, Tenderly, and Coinbase's annual report. I discovered many things that remain silent amidst the market noise.
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Masterdai 🎩 pfp
Masterdai 🎩
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Masterdai 🎩 pfp
Masterdai 🎩
People eagerly put information on the chain, looking forward to a fair system to determine the authenticity of their assets. It turns out they are reinventing Ethereum.
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Masterdai 🎩 pfp
Masterdai 🎩
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Masterdai 🎩 pfp
Masterdai 🎩
You must read the recent Nebula Award-winning work "Babel" in a bilingual Chinese-English format. It will give you a truly unique experience. 一定要用中英双语的模式去阅读最近的星云奖获奖之作《巴别塔》,会给你一种非常奇妙的感觉。
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