Marzi🎩⚡️🎭 pfp



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Marzi🎩⚡️🎭 pfp
We're currently in internal testing ... I just won 499 $DEGEN in Gate of Degen! @degengate
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Marzi🎩⚡️🎭 pfp
/co airdrop
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$neged 🔄 🎩 pfp
$neged 🔄 🎩
Yo! We've got the sweetest frame for you guys! It's just a frame where each of you can get 100 $negeD for free 🔄🎩 Hop in and enjoy👇
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Marzi🎩⚡️🎭 pfp
Serious women in mask 🎭
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Marzi🎩⚡️🎭 pfp
Useful page 😍👍 5$ DEGEN
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Tashebarq pfp
Effects of Physical Abuse Physical Injuries: Bruises, cuts, broken bones, internal injuries, and long-term physical impairments are common. Chronic Health Issues: Long-term physical abuse can lead to chronic pain, gastrointestinal disorders, and other ongoing health problems. Psychological Trauma: Victims may suffer from anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and other mental health issues. Fear and Anxiety: Constant fear of the abuser and potential future violence can dominate the victim’s life. Isolation: Abusers often isolate victims from friends and family, making it harder for them to seek help. /farcasther
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Tashebarq pfp
What do you think guys? /masks 🎭
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Tashebarq pfp
Emotional and psychological abuse0 is a pervasive form of domestic violence that undermines a woman's mental well-being and sense of self. Unlike physical abuse, its effects are often invisible but equally damaging. Here are the key aspects: Forms of Emotional and Psychological Abuse 1. Verbal Assaults: Includes constant criticism, name-calling, yelling, and humiliating the victim. 2. Manipulation: Abusers may use guilt, blame, or denial to control their victims, making them doubt their own perceptions and feelings. 3. Isolation: The abuser may isolate the victim from friends, family, and other support systems to increase dependency. 4. Intimidation: Using threats, destruction of property, or displays of power to instill fear. 5. Gaslighting: A form of manipulation where the abuser makes the victim question their reality, memories, and sanity. 6. Emotional Withholding: Deliberately ignoring, giving the silent treatment, or withholding affection to punish or control the victim. /farcasther
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Tashebarq pfp
Effects of Emotional and Psychological Abuse Mental Health Issues: Victims often suffer from anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Loss of Self-Worth: Continuous belittlement and criticism erode the victim’s confidence and self-worth. Social Isolation: Victims may become increasingly isolated, losing their support network and feeling alone. Chronic Stress: Constant emotional abuse can lead to chronic stress, affecting physical health and well-being. Barriers to Recognition and Leaving Invisible Nature: Emotional abuse is often not recognized as readily as physical abuse, making it harder for victims to seek help. Self-Doubt: Victims may believe the abuser’s manipulations, thinking they deserve the abuse or are responsible for it. Emotional Attachment: Strong emotional bonds and hope for change can keep victims in abusive relationships. Lack of Support: Limited awareness and support services for emotional abuse can hinder escape and recovery. /farcasther
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Tashebarq pfp
Family in mask /masks 🎭
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Tashebarq pfp
Support and Recovery Therapy and Counseling: Professional help is crucial in rebuilding self-esteem and addressing mental health issues. Support Groups: Connecting with others who have experienced similar abuse can provide validation and encouragement. Education and Awareness: Increasing awareness about emotional abuse can help victims recognize and validate their experiences. Legal Protections: Restraining orders and legal actions can offer protection and help in severing ties with the abuser. Emotional and psychological abuse deeply impacts victims, and addressing it requires a combination of personal support, professional intervention, and societal awareness. /farcasther
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Tashebarq pfp
Sometimes, I see some masks and be mixed up that is a real ceremony or part of the movie /masks 🎭
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Marzi🎩⚡️🎭 pfp
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Marzi🎩⚡️🎭 pfp
Cute 🎭
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Marzi🎩⚡️🎭 pfp
Fun time 😁🎭
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Marzi🎩⚡️🎭 pfp
Seems delicious 🎭
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Marzi🎩⚡️🎭 pfp
Joker laugh 🎭
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Marzi🎩⚡️🎭 pfp
Hum that's it 🎭
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Marzi🎩⚡️🎭 pfp
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Sam 🎭  pfp
Sam 🎭
The connection between the two masks , ultimately creates a valuable community of masks. 🎭🎭
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