martin ↑ pfp
martin ↑
anyone got stats on XMTP useage? feels like it's growing but don't know who's actively using it
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krel pfp
no ones using it but a16z pushing it alot to portfolio companies/projects
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kugusha ↑ pfp
kugusha ↑
cc @mg @polmaire.eth
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🃏agusti 🔷🐘 pfp
🃏agusti 🔷🐘
I like converse but never had a conversation with anyone yet lol
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tjark pfp
state of my mailbox
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ccarella pfp
XMTP x Farcaster messenger would be great. XMTP is too open so I get a lot of spam or randos whereas I already have an open social graph and would respond to any messages from it.
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