markus - ethOS - e/acc-d pfp
markus - ethOS - e/acc-d
I have some free time. AMA, about ethOS or me
5 replies
2 recasts
5 reactions

Keith Axline pfp
Keith Axline
Will I be able to run ethOS on my Vision Pro?
1 reply
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2 reactions

Keith Axline pfp
Keith Axline
OK, here’s a real one. Is integrating Ethereum at the OS level an ideal end state or a bridge to something better. If the latter, what is the end state?
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1 reaction

Lajos Deme pfp
Lajos Deme
Wen Vision PrOS lol? How do you like SF?
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1 reaction

Nicola Ceornea pfp
Nicola Ceornea
Why are you such a sussy baka?
1 reply
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Nicola Ceornea pfp
Nicola Ceornea
ethOS is so cool. I bet the guy that is currently working on the walletManager is handsome and intelligent. Do you think you will be able to check up to his awesomeness?
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3 reactions