o24productions pfp



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o24productions pfp
Hahaha I love it 5 $degen
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o24productions pfp
1. Champagne 2. Barossa Valley 2. Marlborough
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o24productions pfp
Well this post didn’t age well… I managed to successfully exit my entire blast airdrop. Feeling good. 💪 Gonna farm blast s2 with minimum capital and get gold from only using dapps I was gonna use anyway (cough Wolf Game cough)
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o24productions pfp
Found it, thanks! 🙏
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o24productions pfp
I can’t see the link?
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o24productions pfp
Yeah the crossposting doesn’t seem to work both ways. Don’t mind for warpcast as Farcaster is fundamentally a different system, but I thought Phaver was built on Lens so I don’t know why Hey posts don’t automatically come through.
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o24productions pfp
I loved Gris. Great game.
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o24productions pfp
Oh wow, that is beautiful! The colours! 5 $degen
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o24productions pfp
The Great Class Divide definitely feels a lot more real in the UK than most other places in the western world.
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o24productions pfp
Anyone work in traditional fiction publishing here? What’s the vibe check in the industry? I’ve been toiling in the submission trenches for two years and feel like I’m breaking my neck trying to squeeze onto the last rocketship going to a dead planet.
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o24productions pfp
I was debating with hubby the other day whether saying “cringe” is now cringe to the youngsters. But as we don’t know any hip youngsters who we could ask, our debate remained unresolved 🤣
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o24productions pfp
If you’re hiring BCG NGMI full stop. The only people stupid enough to hire consultants are the ones stupid enough to need them
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o24productions pfp
Reminds me of this anecdote: Kid comes home from school with fantastic artwork for once in his life. Parents are so impressed they ask his new teacher what’s the secret. Teacher: “I just know when to take the canvas away from him.”
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o24productions pfp
Weirdly, I wrote an essay on the “unexamined life” saying just the other day and came to the same conclusion - the examined life is deeply fucking depressing. So it’s better not to examine it to begin with. Your meme is much more succinct.
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o24productions pfp
Embarrassing to admit but I always thought you were male! 😅
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o24productions pfp
Having a recurring bout of sinusitis and feel like my head is going to burst from the pressure. Everything hurts including my back teeth. Argfhhh
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o24productions pfp
Contemplating whether to splash out on a bottle of Krug for a special occasion. The couple of times I had Krug, I didn’t actually enjoy it at the time (too austere, too much structure if that makes sense?) but I have fond memories afterward, maybe because of the excellent finish? It’s a lot of money to spend on something you’re not 100% sure you 100% enjoy though 🤔
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o24productions pfp
That’s awesome! Congratulations! How long do you think you’ll give it before you go back to review/edit? 5 $degen
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o24productions pfp
Thank you for your kind wishes! I’m becoming rapidly disillusioned with traditional publishing so I foresee a new crossroads coming up soon. But the idea of returning to corporate drudgery fills me with dread.
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o24productions pfp
Yup… still pushing that rock uphill myself but can definitely see how the “rich get richer” under the algorithm gods. Same as life I guess. Tracking my own trajectory over my 20s-40s, amassing more capital opens more doors and gives you the buffer to take more risks and make more long-term plays. 5 $degen
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