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o24productions pfp
Now I think we can all expect that Pac-Man won’t let us walk away scott-free with our Blast airdrop on the 26th. 😅 My question is, how do you think he’ll do it? Vesting? Staking? Another season of Gold?
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o24productions pfp
NGL I’m kinda pissed that I’ve been grinding for weeks to get my Phaver points and then this Binance wallet thing happens which gives 500 points PER DAY and I can’t partake because I’m KYCed in an unsupported jurisdiction.
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o24productions pfp
Hmm… I wonder where the cat went last night…
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o24productions pfp
Sentiment check. Do you think you’ll eat better from Layer Zero or from Blast?
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o24productions pfp
Excerpt from Grace Yee’s “Chinese Fish”. Great to see representation from the small pool of us that is second-gen Chinese-New Zealanders. (Although Yee speaks Cantonese, not Mandarin, so word choices can be a little alien to this mainlander.)
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o24productions pfp
Watched a season of Outer Range but got annoyed at the deliberately obtuse way information is revealed, and some wildly inconsistent characterisation. Gives me Lost vibes - of the bad kind. But I still like the premise and Josh Brolin. Anyone keep watching into season 2 and does it get better?
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o24productions pfp
GM A1/9dcc fam!
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o24productions pfp
My takeaway from zkSync is that L2s will be much more stringent on amount of funds you’ve left on them, for how long and what you did with them. The writing’s on the wall with Scroll. That’s why I’ve decided to consolidate funds from amongst my family wallets and focus on a handful of high value LPs. 🤞
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o24productions pfp
Am I invisible?! Spent the last few days replying to and tipping various posts with IMO thoughtful and interesting replies. Aaaand… nothing. No likes, no replies, zero response at all. Is it the algo, notifications or the people? As I have said before, I get such awful elitist vibes from Warpcast. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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o24productions pfp
my first cast frame by @degenfans
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o24productions pfp
我妈:你不报币圈的收入,澳洲税务局怎能知道呢 我不敢顶的嘴:老妈,你说这话证明你不是蠢就是坏 税务局不是吃素的。所有cex都要实名认证,链上记录全部公开,大家都长点心吧,小心驶得万年船
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o24productions pfp
Unpopular opinion #3721: if your English is woeful, maybe don’t force yourself to post in it. It makes you sound like a bot. Embrace your own language and community - Socialfi is supposed to be inclusive. 个人观点:如果你英语不好,最好还是别勉强用英语发帖了,看上去很像机器人
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o24productions pfp
I’m all for founders celebrating wins and milestones, but it seems disingenuous if they don’t admit that much activity is attributable to possible airdrops and the influx of farmoors. Or is this a case of emperor’s new clothes on which we all stay silent by consensus, only communicating by nudges and winks?
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o24productions pfp
Watching May December on Prime and the acting is phenomenal. Julianne Moore and Natalie Portman both knocked it out of the park. The ways they interact with each other and with the world are so layered, so nuanced, it’s truly a joy to behold. Definitely robbed at the Oscars.
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o24productions pfp
Some channels are now manually “curated” to such a degree that you only see the same power users over and over in the Main feed, while legit posts from smaller users get buried in the Recent feed among the bot trash. It feels disempowering and elitist and I have no idea what to do about it.
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o24productions pfp
Ranking up to level 3 sees me racing to give out 10 phaves a day instead of 5! How do L4 and L5s ever keep on top of it? 😅
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o24productions pfp
Sent my manuscript to another publisher today and settling back in for another 3 months of silence. At this point I have no idea whether any of my submissions are even being read.
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o24productions pfp
Just finished watching Ripley on Netflix. Went from an initial “what is even the point of this remake” to a solid 8/10 at the end. Absolutely stunning settings and cinematography, great art references and top notch acting from Andrew Scott. Also, surprise John Malkovich!
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o24productions pfp
Phaver is doing well at gamifying the cred/points/levels experience. I’m seriously considering buying some NFTs just for the cred boost. Well played, Phaver!
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