Mariya 🎭 pfp

Mariya 🎭


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Mariya 🎭 pfp
Mariya 🎭
Art is poetry that is depicted instead of written, and poetry is art that is written instead of drawn.
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Mariya 🎭 pfp
Mariya 🎭
A woman means A smile in the rush of crying, peace in the time of constant restlessness Romance at sunset, in the middle of the battlefield A woman means Interpretation of the sentence I love you that's mean God is also beautiful, it is a good painting that's mean The philosophy of creating a hug Life itself, feeling naked
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Mariya 🎭 pfp
Mariya 🎭
The network has recently updated a revenue sharing model for non-fungible tokens created with their platform, which is one of the most important benefits of the Zora network.
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Mariya 🎭 pfp
Mariya 🎭
It is a very luxurious and pleasant atmosphere These environments are great for parties and events
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Mariya 🎭 pfp
Mariya 🎭
The first thing to consider in the history of this popular game is that this game was played by Dmitry Davidoff in 1987 in the psychology department of Moscow University between a student and a professor of psychology in formal clothes. In the course of this research, Dimitri stated in a letter to Andrew Plotkin that the whole approach to the game he was developing was derived from the studies of Lev Vygotsky's school of psychology and Turing's "Tunings' Test".
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Mariya 🎭 pfp
Mariya 🎭
I honestly want to tell you that I can't trust anyone in today's world because I'm really afraid of people. They all follow lies and duplicity. I don't know why people's nature has changed
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Mariya 🎭 pfp
Mariya 🎭
Although Optimism is a relatively new Layer 2 solution for Ethereum, it has the potential to play an important role in the development of the Ethereum blockchain in the future. The Optimism crypto project is a bright spot, as it addresses Ethereum's scalability problem that has hindered the development of the most popular crypto blockchain. Unlike other rollup technologies and sidechains, OP provides an optimal solution for developers to deploy their applications using the Optimism Virtual Machine (OVM).
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Mariya 🎭 pfp
Mariya 🎭
me and you We need each other We are cause and effect We are necessary Subvert all the people in the city first and last your name It makes sense next to my name!
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Mariya 🎭 pfp
Mariya 🎭
Behind every strong woman is a story of triumph over failure, hope over despair, and light in the darkest moments. These women build a new path for themselves by relying on their inner self and using every experience as a tool for growth. They are symbols of the power that lies within each of us; The power that turns every challenge into an opportunity for prosperity with courage, kindness and commitment to ourselves and others. A strong woman, like a lady of light in the midst of darkness, shows a path traveled with love, courage and hope.
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Mariya 🎭 pfp
Mariya 🎭
The only thing I can describe perfectly is love Every painter can bring the feeling that is inside him on paper Painting is sacred to the painter
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Mariya 🎭 pfp
Mariya 🎭
Pitbull was born on January 15, 1981 in a Cuban immigrant family in Miami, USA. At the age of 3, he could read and repeat Jose Marti's poems in Spanish. During his youth, his parents separated and he spent most of his life with his mother. He then focused on his career, which was singing. In 2004, he released the M.I.I.M.I album, the first track of which was "Kulu". pit bull photo (singer) The song was produced by Lil Jon and the Diaz Brothers, which ranked at #32 on Top Songs and #11 on Top Rap Songs.
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Mariya 🎭 pfp
Mariya 🎭
This girl is the story inside many of us We are stuck among two-faced people And we cannot save ourselves
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Mariya 🎭 pfp
Mariya 🎭
Optimism blockchain is also one of these second layer projects that uses the technology of "Optimistic Stacking Method". In this method, the data of several transactions are combined and sent to Ethereum in the form of a package. Because of this, working with Optimism is much cheaper than Ethereum, and this has also increased its popularity. This blockchain has also released its own native digital currency, which is known by the symbol OP
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Mariya 🎭 pfp
Mariya 🎭
BASE mainnet refers to Ethereum's Layer 2 chain known as Base, developed by Coinbase and built on OP Stack by Optimism. Base is an optimistic aggregation solution that aims to bring Coinbase's massive user base of 100 million users into the world of decentralized applications (DApps) on the Ethereum blockchain. The launch of the Base main network represents an important step towards achieving this goal.
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Mariya 🎭 pfp
Mariya 🎭
This design is like a painting The architect really did his job right what is your opinion?
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Mariya 🎭 pfp
Mariya 🎭
The network has recently updated a revenue sharing model for non-fungible tokens created with their platform, which is one of the most important benefits of the Zora network.
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Mariya 🎭 pfp
Mariya 🎭
Whoever has any feelings inside him, mixes them into the picture Someone who is in love or sad will take a picture of it Painters calm down by painting
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Mariya 🎭 pfp
Mariya 🎭
Around 2300 to 2700 years before Christ, the first abacus was used by the Sumerians. According to the old belief of Babylonian scientists, like "Carruccio" the abacus was used for addition and subtraction operations and complex calculations.
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Mariya 🎭 pfp
Mariya 🎭
Many industrial devices that have replaced human labor are based on programming principles. In simpler terms, it can be said that if a task is done repeatedly, it can be done by a machine by programming. This is the basis of the construction of many industrial machines.
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Mariya 🎭 pfp
Mariya 🎭
Optimism uses optimistic rollups to enhance Ethereum's scalability. It offers a seamless experience with reduced congestion and affordable transaction costs. Secure and scalable, it's revolutionizing Ethereum transactions What is your opinion about optimism?
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