maocheng pfp



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maocheng pfp
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Optimism pfp
🔴Alt-DA Mode is now available for the OP Stack in beta! 🔴 Any DA layer can now build their own DA server to integrate into the OP Stack. Three of the most popular decentralized DA layers have already launched, and OP Stack Chain devs can use @celestia DA, Eigen DA and @availproject DA as the DA layer.
4 replies
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29 reactions

maocheng pfp
Buy it
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MingMing13 (>^_^)>☕️<(^_^<) pfp
MingMing13 (>^_^)>☕️<(^_^<)
This is a free mint and beautiful song ^_^ just minted one! 2 days left! Thank you @leopastel very yellow~
14 replies
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20 reactions

Vitalik Buterin pfp
Vitalik Buterin
It's really underrated how 4 years ago the worst ethereum UX problem was that transactions would often take like 10 min to confirm if you get unlucky with the gasprice, and that problem just completely went away with EIP-1559. Today transactions reliably confirm in 5-20 seconds.
438 replies
641 recasts
3070 reactions

maocheng pfp
The only thing that makes sense to you about the house that you have listed for sale on the website that you want to buy the property is the one with the pool
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Vitalik Buterin pfp
Vitalik Buterin
There are 4294967295 hard problems in working with the mersenne31 field: non-pure library functions that look like pure functions, naming things, and off by 4 errors.
107 replies
311 recasts
1438 reactions

welter.eth pfp
the user activity on FarcasterUserStats has been self sufficient for months word of mouth is driving 95% of the traffic and the # of unique recurring people coming back to visit is high not saying i don't have to market the site, but i'm very happy that the people using the site like it enough to recommend it to their friends thank you :)
16 replies
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81 reactions

𝚐𝔪𝟾𝚡𝚡𝟾 pfp
Core ML optimized models are now available for FastVIT, DepthAnything, and DETR for on-device AI. - quantized for image classification, depth estimation, and segmentation. - detailed benchmarks on speed and accuracy - sample apps for quick integration  ↓
2 replies
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45 reactions

maocheng pfp
I’m going back in the morning and will get it done tomorrow
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maocheng pfp
Hi I just wanted to say thank you for your help with this issue it was very frustrating to me because it is so hard for us all the way down here and we have been trying to help each others
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maocheng pfp
Zk is very good and has been in the top three for years now i think it’s time to get .thank you Zksync
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maocheng pfp
Yes do it
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maocheng pfp
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