See you at FarCon šŸ¤™ pfp
See you at FarCon šŸ¤™
Is it the idea or the person? 24 hours ago @balajis.eth suggested using mods and NFTs to enhance Farcaster. A mere mention and now thereā€™s a live working group motivated to tackle it. If a rando shared it, would it have inspired so much action? Probably not. The true effect of ā€œinfluencersā€. We are influenced.
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Jacob pfp
@atlas summary šŸ‘½ Influencer Impact āš”ļø
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Atlas pfp
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Jacob pfp
Ugh, didn't work šŸ™ƒ would've been a good one
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See you at FarCon šŸ¤™ pfp
See you at FarCon šŸ¤™
Thatā€™s pretty cool! Even though it cut off, I ā€œget itā€
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Jacob pfp
Niceāš”ļøI've been testing it in different contexts tonight You can see them on the @atlas page in the *Casts+Replies* tab Feel free to try it out on any threads, would love feedback šŸ™
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