See you at FarCon šŸ¤™ pfp
See you at FarCon šŸ¤™
The only wallet Iā€™ve been able to connect with on mobile is Coinbase Wallet. Rainbow says ā€œconnection failedā€ regardless of the site, and even when the site uses Rainbow kit. Metamaskā€™s connect dialog never shows up. I know Metamask is notorious for not working, is anyone else having issues with rainbow?
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ccarella pfp
What library are using for connect and does it support wallet connect 2.0? Wallet Connect upgraded recently and broke a lot of things that did not update.
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See you at FarCon šŸ¤™ pfp
See you at FarCon šŸ¤™
Iā€™m not sure tbh. Iā€™ve tried building with Web3Auth which stopped supporting connecting outside a walletā€™s browser. They just updated to bring it back just need to test. But MM still only works sometimes. I havenā€™t built with wallet connect yet. Not sure if apps I tried are using 2.0
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See you at FarCon šŸ¤™ pfp
See you at FarCon šŸ¤™
@ccarella.eth is there one you recommend building with? Iā€™m considering Magic Link because itā€™s the one Iā€™ve been able to test that shows the option for both MM and coinbase wallet, and for whatever reason, the connect dialog box shows in MM more consistently than with others like rainbow kit or Web3Auth
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