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See you at FarCon 🤙 pfp
See you at FarCon 🤙
Agree or disagree: Experts who give advice rarely got to where they are by following that advice. They provide it as a learning from past mistakes. But the process of learning from those mistakes is what actually allowed them to excel. So the best advice is to not take advice. Learn from your own mistakes, not others.
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Lajos Deme pfp
Lajos Deme
As Naval said, they are just giving you their winning lottery tickets
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Tommy🎩 pfp
Definitely an interesting thought. We also have been able to get far as a society because we’ve been able to document the mistakes and lessons of others. I believe advice should be taken but learning from one’s own mistakes is paramount for success.
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potato 🎩🍖🥔 pfp
potato 🎩🍖🥔
100% you can't "give" advice, it must be learned
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Clayton Mooney pfp
Clayton Mooney
I only take advice from people who are at a place in life I want to be. We all learn through experience, and only the right people can save us time, money, and heartache.
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