Nicola Ceornea pfp
Nicola Ceornea
Bruh, I've been continously tiered couple of days. Why do I need up to 3 hours to fall asleep?!?!
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Manuel pfp
I can relate. Has your diet changed? Or the time of your last meal?
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Nicola Ceornea pfp
Nicola Ceornea
I eat the standard mediterranean diet, but since I got back into fitness this april, I ditched most snacks and upped protein. Normally, even if I trained or felt tiered during the day, I still have a hard time sleeping. My blood work is fine, but I also have adhd on top of a suboptimal night routine, so there is that.
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Manuel pfp
Feeling tired during the day and awake at night seems common and it’s very annoying haha. Same thing happens to me. I was going to say that I found that if I eat too late, I can’t sleep, but if that hasn’t changed for you, maybe it’s something else.
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