Maka pfp



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Maka pfp
Does feel like a disproportionate of "you should just ship it even if it sucks" posts come from webdevs 😄
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Maka pfp
Using linux long enough to remember pre Fedora, back when Red Hat was free and Mandrake was the Ubuntu of its day, when we used Slackware-btw. Oh and the download speeds were so slow, that instead of download a distro, you would pay someone to burn cd’s and send them to you in the post.
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Maka pfp
Most useful hack is still opening doors for people when they are locked out. They always say ye they want it opened, and then always give the dirtiest look of awe and disgust when it takes a few seconds. Remind them "use the mortice, can just slide a credit card into these".
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Maka pfp
It's crazy how often people ignore the init code hash when they are playing around deploying v2. There are so many tokens locked up just because router can't compute the right pool address on removal.
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Maka pfp
Days are getting warmer so been working on a cooler for my Eth node. Is a simple build using a 4 pin fan and a pico, housed in the shell of an old power supply. Is C++, no 3rd party libs. Adding notes to github, check it out if it your interest. 1 love
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Maka pfp
Blinking the led on my Raspberry Pico.. but in a pedantically functional style of C++
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Maka pfp
Parsing deployment bytecode for constructor arguments.. My lambda be like:
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