Mike Krupin pfp

Mike Krupin


102 Following

Mike Krupin pfp
Mike Krupin
Any ideas how to get the historical data about a user’s followers on /farcaster ? Wanna understand how to track the historical changes of followers, but didn’t find anything related on @neynar API @rish maybe I missed something?
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Mike Krupin pfp
Mike Krupin
I think @warpdrive had some feature where a user can create a content for paid subscribers only 👀 Probably they need to go ahead with this feature…
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Mike Krupin pfp
Mike Krupin
Hmmmm, looking for some growth tips? Take a look 👇
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Mike Krupin pfp
Mike Krupin
What is the max number of days you cast each day? Personal casts are the most effective way to grow your /farcaster profile and bring something new to the community I’ve already started my streak journey. What about u? Powered by @warpdrive
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Mike Krupin pfp
Mike Krupin
In between working on @warpdrive, I find time to travel and conquer new heights 🌋 Today, it was Teide at 3500 meters with my wife 💪
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Mike Krupin pfp
Mike Krupin
Some spoiler of the next @warpdrive feature 👀 Some new mechanics for /warpcast profiles growth
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Mike Krupin pfp
Mike Krupin
Claiming my /scoop profile with address: 0x08dE75846d4f8C0B5824cB4bF50C253c40722D5F let the scoop wars begin 🍦
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Mike Krupin pfp
Mike Krupin
Just checked my $DEGEN stats Getting points step by step 🫡
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Mike Krupin pfp
Mike Krupin
Are there any interesting /farcaster apps for community building rn? It would be interesting to create some useful integration with @warpdrive to help others grow their profiles 🧐
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Mike Krupin pfp
Mike Krupin
Happy to see that @warpdrive has generated strong interest from the /farcaster community Keep up the great work! 💪
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Mike Krupin pfp
Mike Krupin
@warpdrive V3 is live on Google Store Extensions 🥳 The most significant changes - @openrank algorithms integration to improve the discoverability of other users Get your everyday recommendations based on your on-chain and social activities 📊 Drop your feedback 👇 P.S. Analytics and other issues fixed as well
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Mike Krupin pfp
Mike Krupin
Good weekends == productive weekends 🫡💪 Just finished the @openrank <> @warpdrive integration that will help users get more /warpcast profile recommendations based on their on-chain activity and social graphs This is just one feature in our growth direction. Stay tuned for more updates that can help boost your profiles 🥳
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Mike Krupin pfp
Mike Krupin
I'm building something amazing and useful for /warpcast and /farcaster Stay tuned 👀
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Mike Krupin pfp
Mike Krupin
Btw, @blockscout launched /rounds to bring on-chain analytics directly to /warpcast Check this 👉 https://rounds.wtf/blockscout
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Mike Krupin pfp
Mike Krupin
Just bridged my first 10k /degentokenbase to participate on /degenstats 😉 Thanks to @blockscout, I can easily share this with the community right on /warpcast #blockscout
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Mike Krupin pfp
Mike Krupin
Pssss, looking for smth sweet today? Take a look at the Blockscout <> Peanut campaign 🔥 Bridge assets to /base using Peanut, get rewarded 🫡 Thanks @kkonrad @hm
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Mike Krupin pfp
Mike Krupin
Introducing @warpdrive Frame! Rn, anyone can check their profile growth on @warpcast Check the tendency of your profile for last 7 days 📊 P.S. @jacek wdyt about this stuff? (Frame is in beta, some problems may occur)
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Mike Krupin pfp
Mike Krupin
preparing something sweet for @warpdrive 🫡 everyone can check their or their user's profile growth within a Frame 🖼️ there will be limited analytics available other metrics are available for free by downloading the extension 🤙 stay tuned ♥️ https://warp-drive.xyz
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Mike Krupin pfp
Mike Krupin
Sheeeeeesh, something tasty is already cooked at @warpdrive 👀 EVERYONE can get FREE access to the advanced analytical tool for @warpcast Go to warp-drive.xyz, download the extension, and gain access to your profile's analytical insights 🚀🚀🚀
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Mike Krupin pfp
Mike Krupin
What's this? Yes, this is @blockscout integration of /farcaster handles 🥳 Go to /blockscout, find an address and Farcaster account for it! Or just use our Frame 😏 https://blockscout-address-stats-frames.vercel.app/frames/stats/8453/0xd8dA6BF26964aF9D7eEd9e03E53415D37aA96045
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