maifuzhiwamg pfp



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maifuzhiwamg pfp
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maifuzhiwamg pfp
以下是对所有在战壕里奋战的人的现实检验: • 如果您通过交易 Pump Fun 代币获利超过 1,000,000 美元,那么您就是前 70 名交易者(占所有钱包的 0.0028%)。 • 如果您的收入超过 100,000 美元,那么您就位列前 924 名(占所有钱包的 0.037%)。 • 如果您的收入超过 10,000 美元,那么您就位列前 11,936 名(占所有钱包的 0.477%)。 • 如果您的收入超过 1,000 美元,那么您就位列前 76,587 名(占所有钱包的 3.061%)。
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maifuzhiwamg pfp
以前的镰刀: 1、设计网页,有梗有趣 2、作图 3、联系社区长供他们内容参考 4、设计文案 6、设计代币玩法 7、群内预热 8、购买TG的大推广 9、开盘前做好一些防御工程 10、做好对抗底部机器人的工作 11、开始烧币\锁币 12、开始刷交易量和花费1万2000U上CMC作为利好 13、开始画饼 现在的镰刀: PUMP和打钱
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maifuzhiwamg pfp
狗庄的想法很简单很单纯: 让高位套牢的割肉, 让半山腰进的止损, 让底部抄底的震荡出局, 早点服从,早点起飞。
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maifuzhiwamg pfp
这圈子烂了 还是实际点找个工作脚踏实地 不要妄想一步登天 有人想要加入币圈 叫他去种田比较实际
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maifuzhiwamg pfp
可以考虑在▖▜▖▗▝ 这个位置买一些▖▜▖▗▝ ▖▜▖▗▝ ▖▜▖▗▝ ▖▜▖▗▝ 看懂扣1
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maifuzhiwamg pfp
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maifuzhiwamg pfp
清早出门半夜归,茫茫人海我是谁。 打工路上青春尽,无房无车无人陪。 下班归来夜已深,长大方知责任沈。 本是田间耕种客,无奈漂泊异乡魂。
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maifuzhiwamg pfp
特朗普比特币大会发言总结: 1. 比特币市值未来会超越黄金。 2. 当选总统后将任命一个比特币/加密货币总统顾问委员会。 3. 会让美国在加密货币保持领先地位。 4. 若当选总统将解雇现任SEC主席。 5. 当选总统后将命令财政部停止创建中央银行数字货币CBDC。 6. 正在制定计划使美国成为世界比特币超级大国。 7. 若当选,将保留美国所有的比特币工作岗位。 8. 若当选,比特币和加密货币将以前所未有的方式飙升。 9. 若当选,政府战略储备将100%保留其拥有的比特币。 10. 将成为美国需要的支持创新和比特币的总统。
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maifuzhiwamg pfp
历届奥运会奥运村避孕套发放数量对比,狗总惊呆: 1992年巴塞罗那奥运会发了5万只; 2000年悉尼奥运会发了9万只(原本是7万只,一周就不够用了,奥组会又追加了2万只); 2004年雅典奥运会12万只,另外还有3万支润滑剂; 2008年北京奥运会发放了10万个,人均8.7个。这都已经是近几届奥运里数量较少的了。但最后还有剩余5000只; 2010年温哥华冬奥会10万个; 2012年伦敦奥运会15万只,开赛第五天就告罄; 2014年索契冬奥会10万个; 2016里约奥运会是创纪录的45万只…… 2018年平昌冬奥会发了11万只,总计2925名选手,平均每人37个; 2021年东京奥运会没有观众和海外游客,依然发放了16万个; 2024年巴黎奥运会,免费提供的套套数量也很惊人,30万个。 话说都住在奥运村里,不让带家属的吧,咋消耗量这么大。
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maifuzhiwamg pfp
你相信什么会买 btc ?
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maifuzhiwamg pfp
Do you have nothing to do at home? Why don't you make a repeater with me, copy this passage and send it out. The income is 0 yuan a day. My friends and I are doing it. Anyway, I'm idle. It's better to be scolded when you're full.
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maifuzhiwamg pfp
“You’re trading crypto here again. The foreman is looking for you everywhere, telling you to hurry back to the construction site since there are still two trucks of cement to unload. He said if you don’t come back soon, you won’t get a single penny of your 300 yuan for ten days of work. Also, the village head called to tell me that Widow Wang from the neighboring village came to propose marriage to you. He said you should finish up and go back tomorrow to finalize the wedding plans with her. Aunt Zhang from next door has also gone to the town police station to drop the case about you peeking at her while she was bathing five years ago. She wants you to come back and live peacefully in the village. The village now has electricity, phone service, and paved roads. Stop making up stories here.”
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maifuzhiwamg pfp
“My ideas have never made me a lot of money; it’s my persistence that has. It’s not surprising to make the right market call, but it’s rare to both make the right call and stay the course. I’ve found that this is the hardest thing to learn.”
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maifuzhiwamg pfp
Brother, I'm back first. The world's banquets always have to be held. The new feast has arrived. The delicacies from land and sea are about to be served, and the table is still empty, but you are thinking about running. The feast has not yet begun, but you are thinking about paying the bill.
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maifuzhiwamg pfp
Floating profit and floating loss should not be the key to whether you hold a position or not. I used to copy the heavy warehouse blur, and in the case of floating losses, I changed all the positions to 3-5 ordi. Only in this way can there be 10 times the profit before. On the contrary, looking at the blur price trend, take a breath of cool air. No one in the market cares whether you are floating or losing on a certain target. Don't let your buttocks determine your head. Always use your head to direct your buttocks.
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maifuzhiwamg pfp
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maifuzhiwamg pfp
Here's the translation of your instructions for claiming the ZKS airdrop: --- ### Claiming the Airdrop SOP The ZKS airdrop will be available for claiming tomorrow at 3 PM. Let's review the airdrop SOP: 1. **Open Multiple Browser Windows**: Ensure different IP addresses. 2. **Prepare Exchange Sub-Wallet Addresses**: Refresh in advance to have the receiving addresses ready. 3. **Monitor Real-Time Exchange Listings or On-Chain Protocols (e.g., AEVO)**: Prepare for hedging and capturing profits. 4. **Plan Staggered Selling Strategies**: Based on expected OTC prices. 5. **Prepare to Form LP at Launch for Profits**. 6. **Prepare Staking Positions for Potential Future Airdrops** (not applicable for ZKS in this case). Please add any supplementary information in the comments ❤️ #zks #airdrop #AirdropTutorial --- If you need any further assistance or adjustments, feel free to ask!
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maifuzhiwamg pfp
$ZK 开放查询
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maifuzhiwamg pfp
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