Mahima Thacker pfp

Mahima Thacker


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Mahima Thacker pfp
Mahima Thacker
I'm thrilled to be part of the SheFi Cohort and this incredible community! Yesterday marked the start of this amazing journey, and what an incredible Day 1 it was! A huge thank you to Maggie Love for sharing such valuable insights. Day 1 was all about "Becoming a Blockchain Baddie Pt. 1." The session was filled with inspiring moments and essential knowledge that set the tone for the journey ahead. Stay tuned as I share my learnings throughout this journey. Can't wait to dive deeper into the world of blockchain with everyone! hashtag #Shefi11
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Mahima Thacker pfp
Mahima Thacker
⚡️ Quick Tip for Gas Savings: Choose '<' over '<='! Hey folks! Here's a simple gas-saving trick for you: When you're comparing numbers, go for '<' instead of '<='. Why? Because '<' does the job with just one step, while '<=' needs two👇
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Mahima Thacker pfp
Mahima Thacker
Surprisingly, smaller sizes like uint8 might cost more in gas than you’d think because Ethereum’s system prefers working with uint256. EVM automatically converts smaller integers to uint256 when they are used. This conversion process adds extra gas cost, 🔄
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Mahima Thacker pfp
Mahima Thacker
Lesser Costs with #Solidity's Optimizer! 🤓 When you write a smart contract, you're not just writing rules, you're also writing how much you'll pay each time those rules run. This is where Solidity's Optimizer comes in - it's like a budget advisor for your contracts👇
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Mahima Thacker pfp
Mahima Thacker
Gas-Saving Tip: Use 'unchecked' in Solidity for Leaner Contracts 💡 In #Solidity, every operation is safe by default, including arithmetic operations from the 0.8th version👇
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Mahima Thacker pfp
Mahima Thacker
Did you know that in Solidity, making a function 'payable' can cut down on gas costs, even if you're not sending any ETH? This happens because 'payable' functions don't use certain steps that the Ethereum Virtual Machine normally runs to check if ETH is being sent👇 #SOLIDITY
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Mahima Thacker pfp
Mahima Thacker
Looking to spend less on gas for your Ethereum contracts? Here's how you can be more economical 🤩: 1)Keep it Light: The less code you deploy, the less gas you'll use. Think of it as packing light for a flight.👇
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Mahima Thacker pfp
Mahima Thacker
Hey, #devs! Did you know when you turn your Solidity code into bytecode, the names of your functions don't actually show up in the assembly output? Instead, what ends up in the Ethereum network is something like a secret code, called function selectors.
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Mahima Thacker pfp
Mahima Thacker
In Solidity, saving on gas is like saving fuel in your car. To do that, you need to know about OPCODEs, the basic commands that tell Ethereum what to do. They're the ABCs of Ethereum's language!
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Mahima Thacker pfp
Mahima Thacker
Hey everyone, I have created an Mint NFT frame. I am trying to use ethers to get Pop-Up when a user wants to mint an NFT but It is not working so does warpcast frame supports ethers library and metamask wallet?
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Mahima Thacker pfp
Mahima Thacker
EIP-1559 was introduced to improve the way transaction fees are calculated and make them more predictable for users. Let's break down its key components with a simple example:
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Mahima Thacker pfp
Mahima Thacker
Ever wondered how gas fees are calculated in Ethereum transactions? Let's simplify it with a real example and some formulas! In this post, I'll be explaining the concept with the help of a random transaction on the Ethereum network. In Ethereum, gas fees are determined by:
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Mahima Thacker pfp
Mahima Thacker
In the world of blockchain and cryptocurrencies, the term "Gas" often pops up, especially when discussing Ethereum transactions. But what exactly is Gas? 👀 Gas is a unit that measures the amount of computational effort required to execute operations on the Ethereum network.
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