Mad pfp



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Mad pfp
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Mad pfp
My fren at work feels depressed I made her a Turkish dessert " kazan dibi". I hope there be no traffic and I arrive soon.
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Mad pfp
He accepted my invitation and coming party tonight
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Mad pfp
watching clouds passing in the sky beside my son in farmhoues. We imagined many stories in sky
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Mad pfp
A mask for skin healthy
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Mad pfp
ITAP from cherry trees . From Last weekend to this weekend. Ready for a perfect cherry party 🍒
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Mad pfp
ITAP of touching nature
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Mad pfp
ITAP of this honey like thing on the trees last weekend
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Mad pfp
ITAP of heartbroken flowers last weekend
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Mad pfp
I was searching my nephew and I found him hiding very professionally 😄
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Mad pfp
Many times ago ...can u say its story?
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Mad pfp
Hav u tried this sticky thing on the trees,I trusted native people and tried it. I think its just like gum.
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Mad pfp
There is no need to hide ur emotions because of protection of ur face. There are times u need cry ,u need scream . Don't force urself to be very usual when u are really messed up
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Mad pfp
How do u innnnnnnnnn?
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Mad pfp
ITAP farmhouse vibes,they are very kind and I think their kettle is magical bc the tea tastes very good . I fall in love with this healthy life
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Mad pfp
ITAP of rose. All family agreed to come farmhouse again. Happy weekend everybody
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Mad pfp
For a while I was in a very bad situations I was very frustrated and I didn't know what to do , one day I heard sb saying "when u are in bad situation ,don't run go through it and feel its pain ,that's what u should do" I did it ,sometimes u hav to touch fire.
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Mad pfp
He thought if he used mask I can't recognise him, I know the way u look
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Mad pfp
He didn't like to visit his physician and little scared I took him a park near clinic I hope I shape a good schema of visiting doctor and playing in his mind.
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Mad pfp
Princes often embody qualities that captivate our imaginations. Their charisma lies in their regal bearing, chivalry, and the air of mystery surrounding their lives,hav u any fantasy about them?
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