Danny pfp
Unpopular opinion - the EigenLayer point system is horrible. Points are linear in time and stake, so individuals who got in early in relatively small size, and now being "diluted" by pools who came in late but at size. So if someone sat out 9 months, and came in with 10X of the pool capital for one month, he gets 50%.
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Danny pfp
At the minimum, distribution should be linear in time, so the total points of month N will equal the total points of month 1. Even better would be to reward early stakers (and home/solo particularly) more heavily.
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Rhett Shipp pfp
Rhett Shipp
I think it depends on what you’re optimizing for. Your proposed change would reward TVL less and early adoption more. If that resulted in less TVL it’d hurt EigenLayer’s success since it would directly reduce the restaking security
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