Mac Budkowski ᵏ
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Branksy Pop
It's a myth. OS development is a proof. It's true in person *can* boost creativity, but only with relevant parties and when all have stakes in the outcome. Remote/in person is not even an issue. Real issue is to be motivated and to want to make smth happen. Structures [often] lack that and look for excuses
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Mac Budkowski ᵏ
I agree and disagree :) OS is a good example of building excellent software remotely, but... OS is also notoriously famous for not making great products, which is the primary goal of most startups.
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Mac Budkowski ᵏ
So maybe remote it the best way for open-ended product discovery and has limitations when it comes to harsh, Apple-like focus?
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Branksy Pop
I understand, but OS (in terms of FC) is sufficiently successful example that high quality remote work is possible as per the initial argument. OS projects' goal is not the commercial viability so it doesn't apply. I don't think the quality differs based on the goal, or type of project. Must haves : interest + stakes
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