Varun Srinivasan pfp
Varun Srinivasan
I've been working on a simple longevity protocol for myself. Easy, evidence based steps to follow to live longer and healthier. Would love to hear feedback from Fitcasters who have done a lot of thinking/research/practice in the space
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Mac Budkowski 🥝 pfp
Mac Budkowski 🥝
I'd add: 1) Apps like Flux to change the color of your screen with time and/or anti blue light glasses, 2) Supplements such as NMN, 3) Entire section on mental health since it determines the quality of your life.
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borodutch @ lunchbreak pfp
borodutch @ lunchbreak
make sure to get at least the suggested dose of nmn — it's dose dependant and less than recommended dose showed no effects finding a good nmn supplier with large enough dose that doesn't cost an arm and a leg is difficult
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