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Mable Jiang
@vitalik.eth 来自匿名社区成员:Web3 本应是一个人人平等的空间,然而 Warpcast 引入了排名和自动评论/私信折叠机制,这些机制创造了明显的等级结构。它实际上已经变成了一个为少数几位影响者设立的专属社交圈,而像我这样的普通用户,无论他们的贡献多么有价值,都无法得到应有的关注。您如何看待 Web3 社交平台中这种日益增长的注意力集中化现象?难道我们不应该追求一个由思想而非社会地位驱动的系统吗? @vitalik.eth From Anontako: Web3 was supposed to be a space where everyone is equal, yet Warpcast has introduced ranking and automatic comment/DM collapsing mechanisms that create a clear hierarchy. It has essentially become an exclusive social circle for a select few influencers, while ordinary users—like myself—are left unheard, no matter how valuable their contributions may be. How do you view this growing centralization of attention within Web3 social platforms? Shouldn’t we...
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