Mable Jiang pfp

Mable Jiang


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Mable Jiang pfp
Mable Jiang
又双叒叕被嘲讽了 😆
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Mable Jiang pfp
Mable Jiang
这次这个ZK匿名机制挺好的,不过如果在客户端能直接被选中以后点击验证直接领取奖金就更丝滑了。 @edisonchen 的确是可以把这次这个形式扩展到更多社区,让社区主来host,奖池可以是Tako出也可以是赞助商出(题主说的这个空投奖励)。 不过下一次的目标应该邀请 CZ 来,毕竟他最近也和VV一样需要好好提振社区的信心!
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Mable Jiang pfp
Mable Jiang
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Mable Jiang pfp
Mable Jiang
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Mable Jiang pfp
Mable Jiang
我们24小时的文字访谈到这里就告一段落啦! 非常感谢 @vitalik.eth 从昨天到今天的如此认真的参与,24小时的AMA 马拉松全程一丝不苟地用心回答,在一字一句中都能非常充分地感受出来!非常期待从现在开始的六个月后地一系列变化,社区对此次AMA内容也反馈非常好。感谢你的真诚和勇气。 特别感谢 @Tako 客户端对这次AMA的鼎力支持和为了此次AMA活动加速做的各种产品优化! AMA 全文整理将会在 @Tako 的Tako 客户端、X官号,及律动Blockbeats 全网同步发布。 Our 24-hour text AMA comes to an end here! A huge thank you to @vitalik.eth for participating so earnestly from yesterday to today - answering every question with close attention throughout this 24-hour AMA marathon. The thoughtfulness in every word was truly palpable! We are very much looking forward to the series of changes in the next six months, and the community has responded very positively to the content of this AMA. Thank you...
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Mable Jiang pfp
Mable Jiang
@vitalik.eth 问题来自网友:在目前生态“百花齐放”的状态下,你是否认为以太坊有需要加强互操作性(不仅仅是资产桥接)连接各个生态、通过标准化跨链协议(如ERC-7281)主动连接外部生态? @vitalik.eth A question from a community member: With the ecosystem currently in a “blooming” state, do you think Ethereum needs to strengthen interoperability (not just bridging assets) among various ecosystems? For instance, by actively connecting with external ecosystems through standardized cross-chain protocols like ERC-7281?
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Mable Jiang pfp
Mable Jiang
谢谢然姐,这是我的agent 咩哈哈哈哈
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Mable Jiang pfp
Mable Jiang
@vitalik.eth 最近一年你有过对EF、对社区、行业沮丧和失望的时候吗?回顾这一年有哪些事情是让你失望甚至沮丧的?曾经有没有想过休息一阵子呢? @vitalik.eth Over the past year or so, have there been times when you felt frustrated or disappointed with the Ethereum Foundation, the community, or the industry? Looking back on the past year, what events left you feeling disappointed or even frustrated? Have you ever thought about taking a break?
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Mable Jiang pfp
Mable Jiang
@vitalik.eth 来自匿名社区成员:Web3 本应是一个人人平等的空间,然而 Warpcast 引入了排名和自动评论/私信折叠机制,这些机制创造了明显的等级结构。它实际上已经变成了一个为少数几位影响者设立的专属社交圈,而像我这样的普通用户,无论他们的贡献多么有价值,都无法得到应有的关注。您如何看待 Web3 社交平台中这种日益增长的注意力集中化现象?难道我们不应该追求一个由思想而非社会地位驱动的系统吗? @vitalik.eth From Anontako: Web3 was supposed to be a space where everyone is equal, yet Warpcast has introduced ranking and automatic comment/DM collapsing mechanisms that create a clear hierarchy. It has essentially become an exclusive social circle for a select few influencers, while ordinary users—like myself—are left unheard, no matter how valuable their contributions may be. How do you view this growing centralization of attention within Web3 social platforms? Shouldn’t we...
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Mable Jiang pfp
Mable Jiang
@vitalik.eth 来自匿名社区成员:在 Web3 生态系统中,一些项目会实施大型激励计划,例如“Odyssey”任务,以吸引大量用户。最近像 Bera Chain 和 Story Protocol 这样的项目就进行了相当长时间的测试网活动,看起来似乎有数十万甚至数百万用户参与。然而,代币上线后,实际活跃用户却显著减少,通常不到一千人。这种差异令人担忧:究竟有多少用户是真正参与,而不是仅仅为了获得激励而加入?同时,这也可能导致项目方在统计数据上产生误导性结论。鉴于您对去中心化及真实社区建设的重视,您如何看待此类做法?您认为,单纯地追求庞大的用户数量——不管这些用户是否真正活跃——是否符合 Web3 的本质精神?或者说,项目更应该把重心放在培养一个相对较小、但高度活跃的用户群,以确保可持续的增长和真正的采用? @vitalik.eth From Anontako: In the Web3 ecosystem, some projects have implemente...
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Mable Jiang pfp
Mable Jiang
@vitalik.eth EIP-1559 你认为目前是否算实现了理想中的动态平衡设计?关于社区里那些以太坊网络通胀下调的提案/思路以及希望达成的目标,你个人的看法是什么? @vitalik.eth Regarding EIP-1559, do you believe it has, at this point, achieved the envisioned dynamically self-balancing design? And what are your personal thoughts on the community’s proposals/ideas about reducing Ethereum’s network inflation and the goals they aim to achieve?
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Mable Jiang pfp
Mable Jiang
@vitalik.eth 来自匿名社区成员:您曾警示「加密政治」的复杂性(如The DAO事件、矿工投票争议),而今天以太坊基金会、核心开发者、L2团队和巨鲸持有者已形成隐性的权力结构。您认为「协议级最小化治理」是否足以应对未来硬分叉中的利益博弈?当社会层(如ENS、Gitcoin)的治理需求与协议层产生冲突时,是否存在「宪法级」的协调原则? @vitalik.eth From Anontako: You once warned about the complexities of “crypto politics” (e.g., The DAO incident, miner voting controversies). Today, the Ethereum Foundation, core developers, L2 teams, and whale holders have formed a kind of implicit power structure. Do you believe that “minimal governance at the protocol level” will be sufficient to handle interest struggles in future hard forks? When governance needs at the social layer (such as ENS and Gitcoin) conflict with the protocol layer, should there be a sort of “constitutional-level” coordination principle? ht...
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Mable Jiang pfp
Mable Jiang
@vitalik.eth 多次看到 "Bronze Age mindset" 这个词,作为 Vitalik 的中文读者,不太能 get 到这个词所代表的内涵 🤔 好奇 Vitalik 会怎么向中文读者解释 "Bronze Age mindset" @vitalik.eth I’ve come across the phrase “Bronze Age mindset” several times, but as a Chinese reader of Vitalik’s work, I’m not entirely sure what it implies. I’m curious—how would you explain the meaning of “Bronze Age mindset” to Chinese community?
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Mable Jiang pfp
Mable Jiang
@vitalik.eth 来自匿名社区成员:我刚入圈时读过你写的一本书《理想:以太坊的区块链创世录》,其序言就是父亲 David 写的,当时你才25岁,从字里行间能感受到你和父亲相处得很好。从你开始接触比特币到现在已经有十四年时间,加密货币行业剧烈的波动以及工作的压力如何影响着你与家庭的关系? @vitalik.eth From Anontako: When I first entered the crypto space, I read a book you wrote called “The Ideal: The Genesis of Ethereum’s Blockchain.” The foreword was written by your father, David, and you were only 25 at the time. From the text, it’s evident that you and your father have a very good relationship. It’s now been fourteen years since you first got involved with Bitcoin. How have the intense fluctuations in the cryptocurrency industry and the pressures of your work affected your relationship with your family?
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Mable Jiang pfp
Mable Jiang
@vitalik.eth 来自匿名社区成员:你认为以太坊的成功最终应该用什么来衡量——是技术上的突破、用户采用的广度,还是它对社会平等和权力分配的影响? @vitalik.eth From Anontako: In your view, what should be the ultimate measure of Ethereum’s success? Is it about technological breakthroughs, the breadth of user adoption, or its impact on social equality and the distribution of power?
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Mable Jiang pfp
Mable Jiang
@vitalik.eth 来自匿名网友:据说推出 Beacon Chain 的原因之一是因为 Casper Sharding。在我个人看来,创建 Beacon Chain 的决定是以太坊历史上最重要的时刻之一。然而,看上去像 DAO 分叉或上海攻击(Shanghai attacks)这样的事件反而得到了更多关注。(也可能是我没看到相关讨论,如果有的话,请求提供链接)想问问 Vitalik: 1. Beacon Chain 的决定是在什么时候做出的?是 2018 年吗? 2. 当时的情况如何?这是一个全体一致的决定,还是存在争议? 3. 当时有没有认真考虑过把 eth1 升级为 PoS,而不是新建 Beacon Chain? @vitalik.eth from Anontako: It is said that one of the reasons for launching the Beacon Chain is Casper Sharding. Personally, I believe that the decision to create the Beacon Chain is one of the most important moments in Ethereum's history. However, it seems that events like the DAO fork or the Shanghai attacks receive more coverage. (也可能我没读到相...
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Mable Jiang pfp
Mable Jiang
@vitalik.eth 我有听Milady社区的人说过你可能是因为什么原因选择了Milady,但我还是很好奇你本人会怎么解释你对 Milady的认同感? @vitalik.eth I've heard from the Milady community about why you chose Milady - but I'm still curious about how you'd explain your recognition / alignment on Milady?
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Mable Jiang pfp
Mable Jiang
@vitalik.eth 本问题来自 Tako founder @edisonchen 非常感谢你参与 Tako 中文社区的 AMA!我也有个问题请教:你怎么看待目前我们作为一群加密世界的人民却仍然高度依赖 telegram、twitter这些中心化的社交应用进行沟通协作? 构建去中心化的社交媒体和真正的加密通讯工具似乎并没有那么被大家关注和认可,至今为止,它们的发展还符合你的期待吗?你对在这个领域探索建设的团队有什么建议? @vitalik.eth This question comes from Tako's founder @edisonchen : Many thanks for participating in the AMA today! I also have a question for you: How do you view the fact that, although we belong to the crypto world, we still heavily rely on centralized social apps like Telegram and Twitter for communication and collaboration? It seems that building decentralized social media and truly encrypted communication tools hasn’t really garnered widespread attention or recognition. So far, do you think their development meets your expectations? And wh...
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Mable Jiang pfp
Mable Jiang
@vitalik.eth 你应该知道Simon de la Rouviere 做过的 “This Art is Always on Sale” 的哈伯格稅实验(资助作为一种资产类别- patronage as an asset class),你认为这类实验能够在未来的去中心化社交网络上长出新的进展么?有没有什么你期待看到的机制被用于去中心化社交上做实验? @vitalik.eth You’re likely aware of Simon de la Rouviere’s “This Art is Always on Sale,” which was an experiment based on Harberger tax mechanism (patronage as an asset class). Do you think experiments like this could evolve further in future decentralized social networks? Are there any specific mechanisms you’d like to see tested in the realm of decentralized social network?
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Mable Jiang pfp
Mable Jiang
@vitalik.eth AI 加速技术演进发展的今天,你之前提过 d/acc 的概念(去加速主义 / 或者针对加速主义的防御主义),现在看来,关于科技权利分散/去中心化的有效加速进程是否符合你的预期呢?你有什么这方面的隐患担心吗?我自己其实会觉得有一点无力,就是我知道《北京折叠》可能是一种未来,从人本主义的角度我不希望它发生,但是我觉得它离我们越来越近了。 @vitalik.eth In today’s world, where AI is accelerating technological evolution, you previously mentioned the concept of "d/acc" (a form of “decelerationism” or “defensive accelerationism” in response to accelerationism). From your current perspective, do you think the process of effectively decentralizing technological power is unfolding as you had hoped? Are there any concerns you have regarding potential risks in this area? Personally, I sometimes feel a bit powerless—because I recognize that a scenario like “Folding Beijing” co...
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