MONAD TESTNET COMPLETE GUIDE 🧵 There are 100 guides about Monad Testnet I summarized everything in this guide Zero Cost - Biggest Airdrop of 2025 ?! 💰👇🏼 NOTE THAT YOU CAN USE YOUR OKX FOR THIS HOW TO STAY POSITIONED FOR #monad_testnet_mon
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How to Start - Wallets Phantom: Go to 'Settings', then 'Active Networks', and switch on Monad (Beta) Create a new wallet for the Monad Testnet to minimize potential damage in case of a hack!
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How to Start - First steps: ▫️ Visit 🔗 & connect your wallet ▫️ Enter your wallet address & get testnet MON ▫️ Connect your Discord (if you were in any OG Monad community pre Testnet) → You get MON every 12h. More ways to get MON in next tweets 👇🏼
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How to Start - First steps: Scroll down and you will see 3 different testnet memecoins ▫️ Choose and buy one with 0.05 MON you got before You've probably run out of MON by now, so we need to get some from other faucets 👇🏼
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Faucets - Overview Why is it important to get testnet MON? The more testnet MON we get, the more tasks we can complete, potentially increasing the size of the Airdrop This is an overview of all testnet MON faucets (find links in the next tweet)
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