路遥 | LuYaoTrader
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I got my Moxie Pass! Mint yours to be eligible for upcoming airdrops, grants, Fan Tokens and more! cc @betashop.eth @airstack.eth
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路遥 | LuYaoTrader
hihi @betashop.eth @airstack.eth! I'd like to auction my Fan Tokens on Farcaster! @moxie.eth
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Jason Goldberg Ⓜ️ 💜
we just set the schedule for the first 300 Fan Tokens being launched for Farcaster Members and Channels when Ⓜ️oxie launches we're building some front end now to make it easily browsable and will release it in a couple days in meantime, if you want to get added to the schedule, tap this to let us know 👇 https://warpcast.com/~/compose?text=hihi+%40betashop.eth+%40airstack%21%0AI%27d+like+to+auction+my+Fan+Tokens+on+Farcaster%21+%40moxie-protocol
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路遥 | LuYaoTrader
风起于青萍之末,浪成于微澜之间。 BTC的牛一直都在,只是我们的情绪因小级别的市场动荡而扰动 同时,大多数人也因重仓山寨而进入恐慌 守好BTC/ETH/SOL/BNB的现货筹码,等待风起就行。 #BTC
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路遥 | LuYaoTrader
「德国政府」地址过去16小时或已出售价值4.96亿美元的BTC 目前,德国政府地址只剩下 15,552 枚 BTC(8.94 亿美元) 最近除了门头沟的潜在利空消息,就是德国政府在卖币这事比较利空... 但问题不大,比特币ETF的买量很稳定! 德国政府要一直维持这个抛售力度,一周左右就清空了 另外,川普即将在7月27日的比特币大会上发言! 为了这几千万的加密爱好者,指不定要提出什么支持加密货币的文件来了。 稳住,黎明的曙光就在7月末!🙂🙂🙂 #BTC
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路遥 | LuYaoTrader
I got my Moxie Pass! Mint yours to be eligible for upcoming airdrops, grants, Fan Tokens and more! cc @betashop.eth @airstack.eth
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