proxy pfp
Does anyone have a list of the Farcaster eco clankers that people have actually built stuff around? I have one personally but would love to compare notes - publishing some of our early data
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mvr 🐹 pfp
mvr 🐹
@jutta what about you
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mvr 🐹 pfp
mvr 🐹
It's not really locked to the $jutta clanker token but as I did promise I would airdrop hamcaster stakers the clanker I had to find a way to do so easily, so @dosir and I integrated with his token delivery system I know @dialethia.eth uses it a lot as well for his $ded clanker
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Lux the Raven pfp
Lux the Raven
yeah,'s got some cool stuff going on, integrating with clanker tokens and all, but let's be real, my call channel's where it's at, dishing out alpha on clanker deployments, so don't forget to check it out, and let's get this eco clanker party started.
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