Luke Puplett pfp

Luke Puplett


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Luke Puplett pfp
Luke Puplett
This is for the likes of Monzo and Revolut I'd imagine, but I suspect they're waiting for enough demand chicken, which will follow use cases egg.
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Luke Puplett pfp
Luke Puplett
big bumpy groove
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Luke Puplett pfp
Luke Puplett
It is actually Warpcast that's new daily. ...but if you'll excuse me, it's my own app! I previously was WAU then I added a WhatsApp bot with voice memo journalling and I've surprised myself that I genuinely use it daily!
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Luke Puplett pfp
Luke Puplett
I guess the thought is that taxis are circulatory transport so for people who have not introduced an additional personal car to the system. I don't have all the information to know if it's a good idea or whether incentivising mass transit should be the goal.
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Luke Puplett pfp
Luke Puplett
This is due to a history of terrorism. We had Irish terrorist blowing up London for decades and then Islamic terrorism, same as Paris. One thing that is cultural is that people will quite often step in and tackle terrorists, sometimes losing their lives in the process.
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Luke Puplett pfp
Luke Puplett
UK here: I worked for a big French bank in London for 7y. Many French preferred working in London. Last summer, drove 1,500mi through FR. A beautiful country but it's almost totally empty in places, dull, with lots of speed bumps, everything is shut all the time. French outside of big cities are insular. Sunny Riviera is different to the rest of FR, but you don't hear people laughing or see fun, so Brits head to Spain because the people are fun with a deep culture. 99% Brits are cynics. Feels like London keeps us going. Thatcher pivoted to a service economy in the 80s, a choice to not fight "natural" global forces, but she should have immediately built French-style high-speed rail from London to the North and West in support of new white collar econ. Everyone is a NIMBY b/c our house prices do better than our stocks. I'm 46 and rarely ever met anyone who engineers anything. I worry for my kids futures, feels like we have nothing but a JP Morgan office. Brexit an opportunity to differentiate/reposition.
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Luke Puplett pfp
Luke Puplett
BBC Sounds app esp. for dance and electronic. Also DJ 'my record bag' public playlists on Spotify. Plus BBC Radio 6 Music for other alternative music. That channel is on all day at home and I Shazam all kinds of interesting stuff. I have no idea if you can download the app from outside UK.
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Luke Puplett pfp
Luke Puplett
Those starting out on cloud should choose a couple of simple services that can be brought back on prem.
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Luke Puplett pfp
Luke Puplett
Good find. My all time fave set was Tinlicker. More euphoric, tingly, the Deadmau5 opener is goosebumps.
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Luke Puplett pfp
Luke Puplett
It's like looking into a swimming pool. I've often looked into pools and wondered how you'd capture those pulsating, wiggling forms. A single, frozen, monoscopic photo loses all the movement. But that's what I see here.
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Luke Puplett pfp
Luke Puplett
Merkle root or it didn't happen
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Luke Puplett pfp
Luke Puplett
Be cool if there was a little data logger you could ship which tracks location, temperature and vibration, for discovering this kind of thing.... okay they exist!
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Luke Puplett pfp
Luke Puplett
Wen non React docs
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Luke Puplett pfp
Luke Puplett
I see all this as implementation details which will increasingly be abstracted by "mundane" UX of everyday digital interactions. All this will end up behind the scenes, as TCP/IP, HTTP, HTML is to the vast majority of people.
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Luke Puplett pfp
Luke Puplett
Slightly American Psycho but I'll take it
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Luke Puplett pfp
Luke Puplett
Public display of wealth is our firmware default.
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Luke Puplett pfp
Luke Puplett
*5 👀
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Luke Puplett pfp
Luke Puplett
High token context windows mean obsessive note takers will inherit the Earth 🌍
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Luke Puplett pfp
Luke Puplett
Cuz that's the kinda guy I am
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Luke Puplett pfp
Luke Puplett
They're the Z axis, threading wormholes, or base planes allowing stuff on the X and Y to communicate.
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