Luis Carranza Perales  pfp

Luis Carranza Perales


314 Following

Luis Carranza Perales  pfp
Luis Carranza Perales
!attack north For all of the seasons, I have 0 points fighting for the North And I intend to keep it that way
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Luis Carranza Perales  pfp
Luis Carranza Perales
What is needed in order to set a Round? fam at @pizzadao want to start one for our Global Pizza Day!
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Luis Carranza Perales  pfp
Luis Carranza Perales
What's the best advice for getting subs?
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Luis Carranza Perales  pfp
Luis Carranza Perales
!attack north Let's rally this week, southermen!
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Luis Carranza Perales  pfp
Luis Carranza Perales
What's your tips for forming a writing habit? What has worked for you? What have you tried that wasn't at all what moved the needle for you? I'm looking to learn from mistakes and successes!
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Luis Carranza Perales  pfp
Luis Carranza Perales
We had our first IRL workshop for Creativa Tech Road! A series of workshops and conferences both IRL and URL about creative industries and web3 for onchain fashion, gaming and music! Thanks to @nounsamigos for making this possible for @cryptoamigos ! And thanks @mimetista for being part of the team!
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Luis Carranza Perales  pfp
Luis Carranza Perales
Bienvenido @elchicoplantas! Él está creando un proyecto de forestación urbana en su barrio en el Callao! Con una ronda activa de Arbitrum en Gitcoin, por si desean chequear 👀
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Luis Carranza Perales  pfp
Luis Carranza Perales
!attack north We will rebuild
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Luis Carranza Perales  pfp
Luis Carranza Perales
Would love to have a explore section that is not merely financial I understand most users will be using this mostly to get $$, but would be cool to actually support people with aligned visions or doing cool stuff
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Luis Carranza Perales  pfp
Luis Carranza Perales
Gm! I've created a channel to share my journey building @metasuyo , where we craft media franchises of ancient fiction and futurism onchain! If you want to share about the intersection of culture, tech & ancient knowledge, come join!
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Luis Carranza Perales  pfp
Luis Carranza Perales
So I sent degen on base Nothing yet on my account Is this normal? How long does it take?
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Luis Carranza Perales  pfp
Luis Carranza Perales
Leaderboards? Fuck yeah! For the South!!! !attack north
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Luis Carranza Perales  pfp
Luis Carranza Perales
Gm so what's the concept here?
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Luis Carranza Perales  pfp
Luis Carranza Perales
minted my /farcards Bro wtf I've only casted 81 times?? That can't be right! Or probably need to just cast way too more often! And these look fun tbh I like them a lot
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Luis Carranza Perales  pfp
Luis Carranza Perales
NUUUUUNS Nuestra prop para Bitcoin Pizza Day es hacer una búsqueda del tesoro onchain en el primer tech bar de /peru Habrán NFTs con $NOGS, que daremos a los asistentes (con onboarding para quienes no tengan $nogs/crypto!) Feedback es bienvenido!
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Luis Carranza Perales  pfp
Luis Carranza Perales
We are making a prop for an onchain/IRL treasure hunt! Phygital experiences can be very nounish and we want to prove that at Bitcoin Pizza Day in the first tech bar in Lima, /peru !! would love some feedback <3
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Luis Carranza Perales  pfp
Luis Carranza Perales
gm! I'm looking to apply for a grant to get 100 Peruvians into Farcaster! we plan on activating /peru with onchain art, contests and more, integrated to activities from all over the country our main event for giving away Farcaster accounts is going to be Bitcoin Pizza Day where should I get started to write a prop?
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Luis Carranza Perales  pfp
Luis Carranza Perales
JELOUUU DEJA EL SHOW qué hay mi gente! buenísimo estar por aquí! mañana hacemos update de nuestra prop de Creativa Tech Road, nuestros talleres de moda, música y videojuegos onchain junto con @mimetista en @cryptoamigos Tenemos merch, local, e inicio de convocatoria 👀
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Luis Carranza Perales  pfp
Luis Carranza Perales
gm! my allowance has fallen below 1k, can I tip two days in a row to get my BaseFren?
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Luis Carranza Perales  pfp
Luis Carranza Perales
I'm joining /basefrens, the first NFT project funded with Degen tips 🎩. 1,000 Degen = 1 Mint.
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