Rodion Longa  pfp

Rodion Longa


138 Following

Rodion Longa  pfp
Rodion Longa
Excited to explore my future decentralised identity on Phi! Learn all about Phi 2.0 on and mint a free milestone NFT!
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3 reactions

Rodion Longa  pfp
Rodion Longa
Henlo $WLD Genuinely impressed with UI, features and overall look and feel of 0xppl
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1 reaction

Rodion Longa  pfp
Rodion Longa
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6 reactions

Rodion Longa  pfp
Rodion Longa
You got meme piled :) Congratz on $DEGEN and $FRAME
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2 reactions

Rodion Longa  pfp
Rodion Longa
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2 reactions

techfuture 🎩🔵 pfp
techfuture 🎩🔵
Is there any plan to increase liquidity in Uniswap? Only 15k at the moment.. we cannot bring in large holders!! Shilling top holders of $FAR to deposit liquidity :)) please shareee and make this post visibleeee
5 replies
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17 reactions

Rodion Longa  pfp
Rodion Longa
@farlaunch Guys, we want community hub. How about opening a telegram channel?
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3 reactions

Rodion Longa  pfp
Rodion Longa
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2 reactions

Rodion Longa  pfp
Rodion Longa
Henlo, Farcaster gang!
9 replies
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9 reactions