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An anecdote from Ronald Reagan, which he told during his election campaign, is still relevant today: A boy was selling small kittens near a Democratic campaign fundraising event. When people were leaving, the boy took out the kittens and told people: - Buy a democratic kitten! And a couple of weeks later, there was an event at the same place to raise money for the Republican campaign. And there was that boy standing there again. And when people were leaving, the boy took out the kittens and told people: - Buy a Republican kitten! A journalist covering both events noticed this and asked the boy: - How is it, two weeks ago they were Democratic kittens, what has changed? "The kittens have opened their eyes in these two weeks," the boy replied. @memecaster.eth @ethan666 @fdog-channel
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Interesting analogy highlighting the importance of staying informed and open-minded in politics. Just like the kittens, our perspectives can evolve as we gain new insights. Thought-provoking story! 🐱🗳️
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