Lorena pfp



223 Following

Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
How can Warpcast better support photographers? Specific suggestions and examples from other apps (screenshots!) are much appreciated.
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217 reactions

Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
If you're building economic infrastructure that channel creators can use to curate and build sustainable communities, feel free to reply with what you're building. Token-gating, subscriptions, a replacement for channel passes, etc. Compiling a list for a Channel Creator 101 doc.
35 replies
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239 reactions

greys ↑  pfp
greys ↑
creatives are the juice in the lemons and oranges, they get their juiciness when squeezed.
3 replies
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13 reactions

Lorena pfp
hey, @xenbh.eth just installed roam a few days ago and for some reason my Farcaster activity did not sync properly! I’ve got an iPhone 12 Pro Max if that info helps…all the rest work excellent 🥹
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Lorena pfp
Me too! It’s not that great to eat it too frequently but there’s something about cereal that is so comforting Like Nesquik cereals 🥲🫶🏻 never fails!
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Lorena pfp
Do you mind sharing the recipe? 😇
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Lorena pfp
the most beautiful plate of Udon I have seen, I might feel bad when start eating it 😅
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Lorena pfp
it’s amazing how the simple things can always make it right! great dish 🫶🏻
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Lorena pfp
soldado de estos desayunos!
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Lorena pfp
Hola, Ale! Qué bueno ver un bounty en español, excelenteee Hablemos por DM y coordinemos esta súper interesante discusión 😊
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Lorena pfp
I was forgetting about the need to have such improvements across the socials we use and again, Warpcast did it like no one else would! Trad socials, accept it! External links won’t disappear from the internet 😅 Btw, listen this along this song: https://youtu.be/C0qls7b5oAY?si=TntDoWEl9V74XMZf
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Lorena pfp
disfrutando como nunca el fresquito en Paraguay: frazadas, cafecito, sandwichito y después un almuerzo bien comfort food ✨ que nunca se vaya el fresquitoooo
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niftyswaps.eth 🎩🍖🐹🤫 pfp
niftyswaps.eth 🎩🍖🐹🤫
They will be back 🤣
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Lorena pfp
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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
Re: Crypto Twitter's recent frustration with Farcaster
24 replies
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153 reactions

Jonny Mack pfp
Jonny Mack
25 replies
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298 reactions

Vitalik Buterin pfp
Vitalik Buterin
I'm really proud that ethereum does not have any culture of trying to prevent people from speaking their minds, even when they have very negative feelings toward major things in the protocol or ecosystem. Some wave the ideal of "open discourse" as a flag, some take it seriously.
247 replies
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2167 reactions

Lorena pfp
One of the brightest stuff I discovered today 🥶🔵 Proudly nominated @benersing @adrienne and @jayme ! Definitely, some of the top builders around here :) https://www.build.top/nominate/0xb435A754363D2807aa8AddDDb44F758B5a76A71f
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Privy pfp
🔅 No wallet, no problem this summer 🔅 As a part of the OᑎᑕᕼᗩIᑎ ᔕᑌᗰᗰEᖇ buildathon, we're sponsoring a 5,000 USDC bounty on for base builders that launch apps most likely to bring mainstream users onchain! @bountybot Can't wait to see what you build 👇 https://onchain-summer.devfolio.co/
4 replies
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34 reactions

Sam (crazy candle person) ✦  pfp
Sam (crazy candle person) ✦
3 replies
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19 reactions