long.sg pfp



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long.sg pfp
I had some issues trying to connect Layer 3 to my Farcaster / Warpcast account, I solved it, u could also try by: 1. Getting ur Warpcast address passcode so u can import it into a Rabby Wallet (u can use whichever u want to), u can find this in ur app settings 1.2. If ur using Metamask u will have to do this step, go into Rabby Wallet and get ur private passphrase, use it to import ur warpcast address into ur Metamask 2. Then u can go to Layer 3 and add ur Warpcast account, i recommend giving an intuitive name for easier reference on later uses (Warpcast works well) 3. Now u can claim ur Frame through this quest https://app.layer3.xyz/quests/arbitrum-inframe?ref=0xA2C3B175bf7BA2ed21ED204244b90a72156CE26B 4. U will have to change into the Warpcast address to verify any task that requires Warpcast (right beside the Verify button, you will see "Primary Address", click on it and change into ur Warpcast addy) Consider leaving a like, following and warps to help this reach more users who could use this info!
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long.sg pfp
anyone else had problem when connecting layer 3 to farcaster/warpcast? when i try to connect, it leads me to warpcast feed and nothing happens...
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