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Stay Pilled
We respond to everyone and sort through the applications. If you hold $PILL, we may consider your role 💚💊 If you don't hold or hold at ~$10, we can give you TIER 3. Roles for NFT are closed. NFTs were free (only for gas and Zora fees), so we reserve the right not to give out new roles for them. The snapshot was taken on July 20th.
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If anyone hold only 10$ why would he get tier3 role??? It’s no sense. I hold 210k pill for 2 months, I minted your nft, I contributed, took part in all your activities and I get same role as those who just have 10$ in PiLL?? It’s unfair.
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Stay Pilled
But we announced 2 weeks ago the criteria that you can upgrade Guild and get a role, we've publicly talked about it several times
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I can't get an answer from you
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Stay Pilled
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I have an airdrop tier 3 role, I’ve been holding 69k $PILL for a long time, I’ve been following the project for a long time, I’ve been holding PILL OG nft. You wrote that there are still places for airdrop, so I would like to see myself on the list. 0xfe5D4F8e6BFDc08b5b0cacD8201d8F3AFf1dBe6b
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