venet pfp



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venet pfp
Stop writing extensive red-tape docs for your yet-to-exist startup's MVP and start building!
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venet pfp
Part I of using Icebreaker was @ the Pre-WHC Garden Brunch in DC Part II is tomorrow @ ETH DC
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venet pfp
Farcaster is where the builders go during the bear market (and stay afterwards)
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venet pfp
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venet pfp
Crazy how closely the velocity of crypto adoption in the short to mid-term hinges upon Apple’s action or inaction. They are not the end all be all, and could never stop it, but their inability/unwillingness to invest in enabling blockchain solutions does incidentally put a significant damper on functional adoption.
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venet pfp
“Tap to tip” Uses built in NFC technology on mobile phones to tip degen with only a bump
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venet pfp
We are still at least a couple of years off from fully-fledged, highly compelling blockchain based games. People underestimate how long it takes to make a video game: - God of War 2018: 4 years - Hollow Knight: 4 years - Stardew Valley: 5 years
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venet pfp
Poolside? Hotel lobby? All of the above?
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venet pfp
Reply guys, is it weird to crosspost replies on crossposted tweets/casts?
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venet pfp
I can’t imagine being in the blockchain space and not being obsessive about it
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venet pfp
My moods go in phases Sometimes I want to cast knowledge bombs with a Punk pfp Or get weird with friends on the timeline in a DeGods pfp Go anime with an Azuki Unhinged with a Milady I am just out here trying to find answers reply guys
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venet pfp
I’ve concluded internally that higher is the answer
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venet pfp
Usually tattoos are a top signal, but we are at a local bottom. Higher? Confused.
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venet pfp
Degods has bestowed the power of choice upon it's community. "Go to Ethereum!" ..."No no, BACK to Solana" Brand is brand regardless of chain - chain is UX. Some like ETH, some like SOL; so give them both. Great for growth + UX; TBD for product-building. Exciting times
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venet pfp
Other strong founder archetypes include: - Bald - Cosplayer - Serious gamer - Mindfulness enthusiast
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venet pfp
Founder who DJs on the side is the best founder archetype Committed to the grind, yet a student of the culture
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venet pfp
Looks like DeGods and Y00ts have gone bi-directional I missed that announcement, but awesome for them I have envisioned an omnichain future for them since their initial migration announcement - just a feeling.
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venet pfp
The Farcon fomo begins
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venet pfp
Spam-to-receive token claims are bad UX i.e. "post this tweet to claim", etc. Why would you want the first impression of your token to be of one that shows up in user-timelines unwanted? Why not prioritize organic, high quality engagement through compelling usability?
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venet pfp
Have you ever purchased a NFT purely because you like it, with no intention of reselling?
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