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Bria 🎩✈️💄 pfp
Bria 🎩✈️💄
How often do you get a manicure and/or pedicure? Me, I do my own mani and change them out every 2 weeks (every week if I’m challenging myself with a theme like for PRIDE). I get a pedicure maybe every 2 months bc my toe nails don’t grow as fast.
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Liuda pfp
I used to get a manicure every month, but honestly, it looked quite worn out last week. Worth mentioning that it included cuticle removal and gel polish (I believe it’s called “Slavic style”)
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Bria 🎩✈️💄 pfp
Bria 🎩✈️💄
Omg I watch Slavic style manis on TikTok and I’m both impressed and freaked out but how they meticulously remove cuticles. Is it just me or are gels not keeping their luster for long anymore?
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Liuda pfp
Yes, in Ukraine, it's rather hard to find a master who does not remove cuticles. Yet, I have always been not a fan of it, as the risk of inflammation is high, and many masters do not handle their tools properly.
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