limone.eth - onchain builder pfp

limone.eth - onchain builder


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limone.eth - onchain builder pfp
limone.eth - onchain builder
/stringz solves this ๐ŸŽ—๏ธ
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limone.eth - onchain builder pfp
limone.eth - onchain builder
My daily /build nominations: @betashop.eth for @airstack that is powering a lot of the things iโ€™ve been building @woj.eth for his power user fc client /supercast @dylsteck.eth for /farhack and all the amazing things he builds around here Nominate builders you appreciate ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ
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limone.eth - onchain builder pfp
limone.eth - onchain builder
good stuff good stuff ๐Ÿซก
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darph pfp
My entry for @woj.eth request for a signup process for /supercast! - Multi step process, focusing on clarity (added a stepper too!) - Added a recovery phrase step (don't if it's needed, but felt like it was) - Focused on minimal design as the platform, worked a lot on hierarchy. - Success screen added with a preview!
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limone.eth - onchain builder pfp
limone.eth - onchain builder
iโ€™m interested as iโ€™m building a mobile native wallet for p2p payments with usdc, looking to integrate with merchants at some point (
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limone.eth - onchain builder pfp
limone.eth - onchain builder
try using the verified address and then fallback to custody!
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limone.eth - onchain builder pfp
limone.eth - onchain builder
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limone.eth - onchain builder pfp
limone.eth - onchain builder
just /build it ๐Ÿซก
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limone.eth - onchain builder pfp
limone.eth - onchain builder
*euro cup 2024* @urbe-eth winning the onchain summer be like ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡น @bianc8 @frankk ๐Ÿคฉ
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limone.eth - onchain builder pfp
limone.eth - onchain builder
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Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
How can I partner with "Farcaster"? It's a permissionless protocol. Build something people can use. Feel free to send to me and if looks interesting, I'll recast it. That's it.
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limone.eth - onchain builder pfp
limone.eth - onchain builder
"sufficient decentralization" at ethna, the web3 first magmatic event in italy ๐ŸŒ‹ onboarded a bunch of new people! ๐Ÿซก
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limone.eth - onchain builder pfp
limone.eth - onchain builder
they are not through comments, you need to go on or use the frame here!
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limone.eth - onchain builder pfp
limone.eth - onchain builder
my daily nominations: - @pirosb3 and @linda for their amazing @bountycaster - @nicnode for lottopgf and all his efforts to public goods in general! keep /build ing ๐Ÿซก
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limone.eth - onchain builder pfp
limone.eth - onchain builder
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limone.eth - onchain builder pfp
limone.eth - onchain builder
canโ€™t stop, wonโ€™t stop ๐Ÿซก itโ€™s friday, we /build and ship โšก๏ธ
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limone.eth - onchain builder pfp
limone.eth - onchain builder
this week i'm building a no-code waitlist frame tool called beearly ๐Ÿ it allows users creating waitlist frames with a simple form and by posting it to farcaster they will start to get their early adopters, being able to check them through a list and eventually contacting them through DCs! released next week โšก๏ธ
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limone.eth - onchain builder pfp
limone.eth - onchain builder
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limone.eth - onchain builder pfp
limone.eth - onchain builder
appreciated sir!
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limone.eth - onchain builder pfp
limone.eth - onchain builder
just dropped a /stringz x @base /onchainsummer billboard nft celebrating 2k followers in our channel stringz is heating up๐ŸŽ—๏ธ๐Ÿ”ฅ --- @jessepollak how do you like this remix?
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