limone.eth - onchain builder pfp
limone.eth - onchain builder
fluidkey was one of the winners of ethrome, and now they are going to shape the future of this ecosystem πŸ’« make sure to keep an eye on these guys @moritz @metony @frenk πŸ‘€
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moritz πŸ’§πŸ”‘ pfp
moritz πŸ’§πŸ”‘
thanks for the massive support @limone.eth - excited to keep building alongside you! πŸ™
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MeTony πŸ’§πŸ”‘ pfp
MeTony πŸ’§πŸ”‘
Thanks for the message! Looking forward to the next EthRome 😎
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ManuAlzuruπŸ₯‘ pfp
Just got mine. Looks dope! Does anyone from the team can explain how does it work please? πŸ™πŸ½ Would love to learn more as the Blockravers needs a private solution.
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