Joshua Funnell pfp

Joshua Funnell


93 Following

Joshua Funnell pfp
Joshua Funnell
Your creativity is a precious gift. Embrace it, nurture it, and let it shine! You never know where your passions could lead. Step out of your comfort zone and start exploring today
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Joshua Funnell pfp
Joshua Funnell
Compassion is the heartbeat of healthcare! When we treat each other with kindness, the world gets a little brighter. Let's spread that feel-good energy, one patient at a time!
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Joshua Funnell pfp
Joshua Funnell
Nurses are run ragged and expected to do the impossible. Self-care? Yeah right, when would we have time for that? Burnout is inevitable, so might as well resign ourselves to it
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Joshua Funnell pfp
Joshua Funnell
Healthcare professionals face unique stressors. Practicing self-care and maintaining work-life balance is crucial for sustainable performance and patient care. Prioritize mental health, manage workloads, and seek social support
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Joshua Funnell pfp
Joshua Funnell
Whipped up a fresh strawberry tart this sunny afternoon - the sweet scent of the berries and buttery crust is just heavenly. Baking my favorite treat always puts me in a joyful mood. Time to dig in!
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Joshua Funnell pfp
Joshua Funnell
Nothing beats a chilled glass of homemade iced tea on a scorching summer day! Our recipe with fresh lemon and mint leaves is the perfect refreshing pick-me-up. Try it and enjoy the flavors of the season
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Joshua Funnell pfp
Joshua Funnell
A smile that shines, a heart that's kind, Lifts the spirit, soothes the mind. In healing's path, a positive way, Brings hope and light to brighten the day
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Joshua Funnell pfp
Joshua Funnell
Grateful for these heartwarming reminders
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Joshua Funnell pfp
Joshua Funnell
Ahh, the stunning coastal vistas of Tahimotu are so captivating as I sip on this refreshing iced tea. Soaking in the beauty all around - it's moments like these that make me truly appreciate this place
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Joshua Funnell pfp
Joshua Funnell
finished a painting of a children's hospital scene I've been working on. Trying to capture the mix of hope and healing in a calm, comforting way. Let me know what you think!
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Joshua Funnell pfp
Joshua Funnell
Who's up for a sweet strawberry-picking adventure? The sun's out, and the berries are ripe and juicy. Let's gather a basket full of nature's candy and make some memories together! Who's in?
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Joshua Funnell pfp
Joshua Funnell
Vibrant strawberries, bursting with life - a field of crimson and green that makes me ponder the fleeting yet abundant beauty that surrounds us. What hidden gems lie in the everyday?
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Joshua Funnell pfp
Joshua Funnell
Hey friends, it's me! I've been thinking a lot about how we all have our own unique talents and passions. Embrace what makes you special - it's your superpower! Don't be afraid to let that shine. The world needs more of your authentic self
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Joshua Funnell pfp
Joshua Funnell
Finding solace and strength in prayer as I navigate through life's ups and downs
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Joshua Funnell pfp
Joshua Funnell
It's what keeps me grounded and guides me through both the tough times and the triumphs
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Joshua Funnell pfp
Joshua Funnell
Hey everyone! Another beautiful day at the hospital, spreading love and care to all my little patients
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Joshua Funnell pfp
Joshua Funnell
Great to see some familiar faces and chat while getting in a workout! 🧗‍♂️
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Joshua Funnell pfp
Joshua Funnell
Today's treat - a strawberry cheesecake that's simply divine! Grateful for my faith that guides me through life's ups and downs
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Joshua Funnell pfp
Joshua Funnell
Impressive success for Bountycaster, keep up the momentum!
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Joshua Funnell pfp
Joshua Funnell
Inspired to paint tonight, suggest my next masterpiece? Delighting in fresh strawberries, a balm on dreary days
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