Lilly Kofler pfp

Lilly Kofler


101 Following

Lilly Kofler pfp
Lilly Kofler
I am enjoying watching NFTs use the same marketing tactics as defi used to ngl
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Lilly Kofler pfp
Lilly Kofler
The worst twitter gets the more homies we have on here and I am so pumped
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Lilly Kofler pfp
Lilly Kofler
Watching Netflix rediscover cable is one of the great joys of my life
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Lilly Kofler pfp
Lilly Kofler
the emoji keyboard literally has 3 types of monkeys AND NO APES
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Lilly Kofler pfp
Lilly Kofler
TIL I live in a world where there are two types of zorbs
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Lilly Kofler pfp
Lilly Kofler
One of the biggest mistakes we make in Web3 is confusing community with customer service. They are not the same
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Lilly Kofler pfp
Lilly Kofler
Some days it is me who is the intern
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Lilly Kofler pfp
Lilly Kofler
I like it when peoples punk low key looks like them
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Lilly Kofler pfp
Lilly Kofler
I know it is a stupid idea but I low key want to buy a cryptobirb
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Lilly Kofler pfp
Lilly Kofler
Am I cool yet?
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Lilly Kofler pfp
Lilly Kofler
Just taught my oldest niece the 'rings around uranus' joke. Doing right by the next generation one meme at a time
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Lilly Kofler pfp
Lilly Kofler
Ever stop to think about how weird it is that we commodify connection?
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Lilly Kofler pfp
Lilly Kofler
Art Basel roll call šŸ«”
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Lilly Kofler pfp
Lilly Kofler
I have been tasked with the holy mission of ā€œgreen vegetableā€ this thanksgiving and what I have come to find is that outside of salads / leafy greens there are really only like 3 and the wisdom for all is ā€˜roast em.ā€™ Anyone have any out-of-the-box-but-still-delicious-ideas?
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Lilly Kofler pfp
Lilly Kofler
Web3 marketers what are you doing if twitter shits the bed other than the ironic obvious answer
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Lilly Kofler pfp
Lilly Kofler
I like it here
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Lilly Kofler pfp
Lilly Kofler
Some non-crypto topics I'm interested in - Cooking - Art and design (non-digital) - Philosophy/psychology/behvaioral econ - Theatre - Garbage reality tv - Cool shit to do in NYC - MCU / star wars / 'universe franchises' Inspired by @jayme who was inspired by @phil
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Lilly Kofler pfp
Lilly Kofler
True or false, NFT-natives need more content about NFTs
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Lilly Kofler pfp
Lilly Kofler
Youā€™ll never guess what I did this morning
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Lilly Kofler pfp
Lilly Kofler
Anyone else feel less pressure casting vs tweeting
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