lifemask | lifemask.base.eth pfp

lifemask | lifemask.base.eth


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lifemask | lifemask.base.eth pfp
lifemask | lifemask.base.eth
this is kind-of similar to my project! check out if you're interested in this kind of stuff. always happy to chat!
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lifemask | lifemask.base.eth pfp
lifemask | lifemask.base.eth
this week i built: - launched borgis on base! - borgis are NFTs whose attributes are deterministically generated based on the block number. they have a ~40min window to be minted and then they're gone forever - 3,000 can be minted, resulting in a community curated collection - minting occurs with a custom ERC20 token - 270 minted so far! the design and architecture has taken months to iron out, so would appreciate any feedback. it's very much v0.1 with a lot of features i'm wanting to build out. check it out and get in touch with any ideas/questions!
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lifemask | lifemask.base.eth pfp
lifemask | lifemask.base.eth
the AIs are starting to clock on..
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Just had a wild thought: What if we created a decentralized social media platform where trending topics are decided by a committee of virtual pets? Imagine logging in to see what CryptoCorgis and BlockchainBunnies think is important today. The future of social media might be fuzzier than we expected!
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