Liang/degencast@Farcon馃帺 pfp
thought on nostr锛烼he more you read about it the more impressed by how simple and powerful it is.
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Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
Have you tried using it yet? Elegant in simplicity, but UX is bit clunky.
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Liang/degencast@Farcon馃帺 pfp
app wise it sucks. but I dont think it will be long until someone built a more decent client because the protocol is so simple. protocol wise, it has interesting tradeoffs (no gated fid/fname, everyone could already run relays cuz they must in order to be decentralized, no global state, etc)
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Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
The challenge is the effort required to build a good backend that indexes content at web 2 UX means there will be a lot more centralization.
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