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Liam pfp
@shazow.eth brought up an interesting question to me in DMs. What should /canada be about? What kind of discourse do we want to have here? So far it’s been a mix of political debates, nostalgia, and sharing of various related articles. Would love to hear from more voices!
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shazow pfp
I just really don't want this to devolve what /r/canada has become: full of misinformation/propaganda, so toxic that it drives out all reasonable people who want to do good and have a honest conversation.
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pauly p pfp
pauly p
Perhaps more industry related topics, ideas on how we can work together to support and grow the industry here, getting more Canadian businesses and consumers onchain
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osama pfp
- feel we don’t highlight the rich culture enough on any platform - the maple leaf could be as symbolic as swiss cross and outside gov policy. as founders, it’s a less talked about topic. what does it stand for, what it means, etc - we def need more hockey and poutine casts in this channel - pl share more music!
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oliver pfp
more memes?
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rushil pfp
Being in Brampton feels like India and it’s not like immigrants are to blame for wanting better lifestyle, but they’re struggling to find jobs and make ends meet. They spend 100s of thousands to get here only to work at Tim Horton’s and get a bullshit degree. government seems to be taking advantage
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