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You've been in crypto for years, and you still have no idea what zero-knowledge proofs are? Understandable. They're incredibly complex… but we've written a simple introduction! Part 1 doesn't require any previous knowledge; part 2 requires knowing what a rollup is. 🧵 ⬇️
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🚅 PART 1: What is a zero-knowledge proof? A zero-knowledge proof (usually abbreviated as zk-proof or ZKP) is a cryptographic method to prove that a piece of information is true without revealing the information itself. We recommend checking out the Where's Waldo introduction to zero-knowledge proofs for a fun discovery! We don't want to spam the people who have seen this example a hundred times already, so we highly encourage you to check out this tutorial: You can also prove that you've completed a sudoku grid without ever showing how you did it by checking that several rows and columns contain all digits from 1 to 9. On his blog, Lauri Peltonen wrote a no-math explanation of the sudoku example
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🚅 When are ZKP useful? • Computing power imbalance: ensure correct execution of a program without running it. • Integrity: share your results without having to reveal the details of your computation. • Anonymity: prove one piece of info without disclosing anything else. We've added examples for all three use case types on our blog post, by the way!
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Nice, concise intro.
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