Leo Moura | Alliance pfp

Leo Moura | Alliance


133 Following

Leo Moura | Alliance pfp
Leo Moura | Alliance
I'm taking $onchain pill
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Leo Moura | Alliance pfp
Leo Moura | Alliance
I've been thinking a lot about Order Theory and its relationship with NFTs. We could catalog every 9x9 sudoku as an NFT for example if we define a order relationship between sudoku boards. Anyone here would think that could be useful or interesting?
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Leo Moura | Alliance pfp
Leo Moura | Alliance
Just earned BLOOD creating this video on @drakula: https://drakula.app/post/edfb57cf-a14f-49e0-9d1c-67851aa32060?invite=Htn7mt
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Leo Moura | Alliance pfp
Leo Moura | Alliance
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Leo Moura | Alliance pfp
Leo Moura | Alliance
Just earned BLOOD creating this video on @drakula: https://drakula.app/post/33c32d35-07b7-4da1-951d-c2da77d5f9c9?invite=Htn7mt
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Leo Moura | Alliance pfp
Leo Moura | Alliance
https://app.belongtous.xyz/vote only 6 votes! Let's go! 500 πŸ– for each vote
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Leo Moura | Alliance pfp
Leo Moura | Alliance
Let’s play a game. The person that comments the maximum number of ham πŸ– will get my full allowance
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Leo Moura | Alliance pfp
Leo Moura | Alliance
Was it a good trade?
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Leo Moura | Alliance pfp
Leo Moura | Alliance
Does anyone have Blast invite?
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Leo Moura | Alliance pfp
Leo Moura | Alliance
ALL13 is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Best time to start a company in the space!
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Leo Moura | Alliance pfp
Leo Moura | Alliance
The LP #649
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Leo Moura | Alliance pfp
Leo Moura | Alliance
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Leo Moura | Alliance pfp
Leo Moura | Alliance
Which would you pick? https://zora.co/collect/zora:0x277fceef7e660df4e909f3a7e3ab50565f95a57e
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Leo Moura | Alliance pfp
Leo Moura | Alliance
How many things did you do today?
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Leo Moura | Alliance pfp
Leo Moura | Alliance
Hello everyone. I'm a core engineer at @alliance. AMA
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Leo Moura | Alliance pfp
Leo Moura | Alliance
I just minted my Boost Pass on @boostinbox_. Check your rank to see what network you align with & how you stack up against your friends. https://inbox.boost.xyz/invite/0x9B8B9f6AB03C027Ef4B52ECFF5D93d0cf948d19f
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Leo Moura | Alliance pfp
Leo Moura | Alliance
Introducing the NFT Min Game! Here's how it works: 1) Follow me 2) Have some base ETH on your farcaster-connected address 3) Choose a number on the frame 4) You'll get an NFT as a proof of participation 5) After 256 mints, whoever choses the minimum unique value can withdraw the prize https://min-game.vercel.app/
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Leo Moura | Alliance pfp
Leo Moura | Alliance
I just minted my Regiftable Gift Box from @Base and @icebreaker to celebrate the holidays! Verify your Coinbase account at https://www.coinbase.com/onchain-verify to enable regifting You can claim your gift here: https://app.icebreaker.xyz/ens/icebreakerlabs.eth
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Leo Moura | Alliance pfp
Leo Moura | Alliance
I collected a post on paragraph https://opensea.io/assets/base/0x2a18067145e1b98261c54835198b365875539fa5/6
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Leo Moura | Alliance pfp
Leo Moura | Alliance
Is it too late to launch an NFT on Base?
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