Dawnia -Hypersub GlitchCams 👀 pfp

Dawnia -Hypersub GlitchCams 👀


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Dawnia -Hypersub GlitchCams 👀 pfp
Dawnia -Hypersub GlitchCams 👀
First time I’ve gotten FUD on the glitch cams 💪 I’ve truly made it
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Dawnia -Hypersub GlitchCams 👀 pfp
Dawnia -Hypersub GlitchCams 👀
My wife and I have always had a pretty weird nocturnal sleep schedule, lately we’ve been experimenting with having two 4 hour sleep periods in a day instead. Think it’s been going pretty well! My back feels less painful laying down for shorter periods and we get more sunshine.
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Dawnia -Hypersub GlitchCams 👀 pfp
Dawnia -Hypersub GlitchCams 👀
Let’s goooo 🎉🎉🎉
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Dawnia -Hypersub GlitchCams 👀 pfp
Dawnia -Hypersub GlitchCams 👀
Incredible 🤩
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Dawnia -Hypersub GlitchCams 👀 pfp
Dawnia -Hypersub GlitchCams 👀
My Farcaster Score is 80.04 with Tier Legend 🧙‍♀️ frame by @justin-eth 🤝🏻
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Dawnia -Hypersub GlitchCams 👀 pfp
Dawnia -Hypersub GlitchCams 👀
Woot woot thanks @scizors-eth!
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Dawnia -Hypersub GlitchCams 👀 pfp
Dawnia -Hypersub GlitchCams 👀
Alleged $180 airdrop, didn’t have to connect anything, just input wallet address—but couldn’t hurt to use a burner wallet just in case https://t.me/OmniNetwork_Airdropbot?start=r00375171925
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Dawnia -Hypersub GlitchCams 👀 pfp
Dawnia -Hypersub GlitchCams 👀
2 weeks left to subscribe for the first glitch cam raffle! Will be adding a new camera to the raffle for every 15 subscribers so the chances won’t get too diluted! + exclusive subscriber airdrops and 1:1 raffles! /letsglitchitcam 0.007 ETH https://hypersub.withfabric.xyz/collection/letsglitchitcam-1izv3o54l4pog
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Dawnia -Hypersub GlitchCams 👀 pfp
Dawnia -Hypersub GlitchCams 👀
When Marnie Was There was still a beautiful movie but it could’ve been a 10/10 smh
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Dawnia -Hypersub GlitchCams 👀 pfp
Dawnia -Hypersub GlitchCams 👀
Our friend @odysseyheart has a really beautiful collection minting right now on magic eden, check it out! https://magiceden.io/launchpad/signals
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Dawnia -Hypersub GlitchCams 👀 pfp
Dawnia -Hypersub GlitchCams 👀
I’m not usually the sort to flex sales but just sharing cuz this shit still blows my mind. When I started making glitch art 10 years ago I would’ve laughed if you told me people would be buying the stuff en masse someday 😆 Really blessed to be here. I put in the work but luck is always a factor!
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Dawnia -Hypersub GlitchCams 👀 pfp
Dawnia -Hypersub GlitchCams 👀
So cool!
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Dawnia -Hypersub GlitchCams 👀 pfp
Dawnia -Hypersub GlitchCams 👀
I’ve successfully onboarded the wifey 🫡. She loves art and is so excited to be collecting now! ^.^
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Dawnia -Hypersub GlitchCams 👀 pfp
Dawnia -Hypersub GlitchCams 👀
So gorgeous, def scooping one if I wake up in time!
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Dawnia -Hypersub GlitchCams 👀 pfp
Dawnia -Hypersub GlitchCams 👀
Pretty wild I trained 3 models on my glitch art the week before @clairesilver mentioned the new contest 👀 The synchronicity is real
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Dawnia -Hypersub GlitchCams 👀 pfp
Dawnia -Hypersub GlitchCams 👀
Pretty cute neighbor 🥰
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Dawnia -Hypersub GlitchCams 👀 pfp
Dawnia -Hypersub GlitchCams 👀
New member of the fam! /letsglitchitcam
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Dawnia -Hypersub GlitchCams 👀 pfp
Dawnia -Hypersub GlitchCams 👀
My /farhouse referral code if anyone needs one qj1r75 Not normally much for spaces but trying to get outta my comfort zone, let’s get chatty!
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Dawnia -Hypersub GlitchCams 👀 pfp
Dawnia -Hypersub GlitchCams 👀
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Dawnia -Hypersub GlitchCams 👀 pfp
Dawnia -Hypersub GlitchCams 👀
Today we celebrated cat motherhood 😝. Love being cat moms with you too dear, even when he’s being a screamy baby
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