_slow_crypto 🎩🤷‍♂️ pfp
_slow_crypto 🎩🤷‍♂️
VOTECASTERS is back, baby. And it’s BIGGER. … The World Builders’ Jacket. … Community co-created. Stewarded by @les and yours truly. Via @studio. … Step 1. PICK YOUR COLOUR VIBE: 1-9 https://i.imgur.com/AMyu1VV.jpg
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greys ↑  pfp
greys ↑
would absolutely love your vote @dcposch.eth . You were a big part of what made early Farcaster fun, always shared great counters and hit hard points. Imo, world needs more of that. So yeah please.
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✳️ dcposch on daimo pfp
✳️ dcposch on daimo
Giving me too much credit. 6 is great I love carhartt
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greys ↑  pfp
greys ↑
well it’s my credit to give my friend. Thank you for participating in this lil experiment! Hope you rock the jacket we make one day.
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