borodutch @ farcon & lunchbreak pfp
borodutch @ farcon & lunchbreak
a lot of devs still falsely believe that users can tell a crossplatform app from a native app — and thus waste a lot of resources on doing what no one cares about don't be like these fools, don't be stupid
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greys ↑  pfp
greys ↑
Umm dumb person here. What should I do with this information?
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borodutch @ farcon & lunchbreak pfp
borodutch @ farcon & lunchbreak
shame the devs who live in the previous decade
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thehilker 🎩↑🥱  pfp
thehilker 🎩↑🥱
If you build an app, use RN. Purists will say it needs to be native; other devs might recommend a web viewer like xamarin that makes a web page feel/act like an app. But these are rarely worth the time spent.
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