greys ↑  pfp
greys ↑
“When does life get fun?” How would you respond to someone that ask this?
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Mac Budkowski 🥝 @ FarCon pfp
Mac Budkowski 🥝 @ FarCon
When you start to amuse yourself instead of looking for external sources of fun :)
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greys ↑  pfp
greys ↑
How do I emphatically cast, hell yeah?
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Mac Budkowski 🥝 @ FarCon pfp
Mac Budkowski 🥝 @ FarCon
It's one of the reasons why "money can't buy happiness." Some of my rich friends went into this "I pay, so I demand!" passive mode of experiencing the world. Looking at it from the lens of "Is this experience a good enough reward for my money and efforts?" instead of "How can I make this experience the most fun?".
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