First off congrats to Leo I think it’s awesome that creators can get paid this way What I don’t love seeing is the liquidity on these erc20z those wicks look like a lot of people got murdered and slipped for something crazy like +/- 50% in seconds If you are going to provide a market you kinda sorta either have to bootstrap liq better or commit to making the market (and collect on the spread) You can shrug it off as markets are PvP but look at charts of erc20z (zors mints that got deployed) versus any normal erc20 Any time there is action someone is getting clobbered and the spreads are typically >>20-30% which is not right
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pastel ← DENVER ꓽꓽ)
valid criticism, @zora can speak to the way liquidity on secondary markets is structured as for me, i just want to release my art and exchange energy with the people who resonate with it. my first ever nft drop was on zora in 2022. releasing there simply bc i like the vibes
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No for sure dude - that’s your right and you should be getting paid I think zora does this EXTREMELY well and their model of “it pays to collect” has been an inspiration for many teams including clanker etc - I just don’t like the parts I stated Keep vibing 🫡
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pastel ← DENVER ꓽꓽ)
heardd , also genuinely didn’t realize there would be problems with the liquidity so thanks for pointing that out, will adjust the way i’m talking about secondary market next time around
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I think this is a lack of education issue on Zora's part, they make think the creators/artists is all set and forget but the reality of it is for any erc20 to -do initially decently well- someone should seed the initual liquidity. It can be anyone, but if you want your erc20z to have -volume trading- i'd be smart to be yourself the first to setup that pool (and collect fees from it) again, this is 100% on zora not explaining how thinigs work and nothing to beat yourself on, we learn even if they don't teach us 🤝
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nah dude don’t sweat it - it’s also the Wild West, people are trying in public and I highly doubt that anyone on the zora team is intentionally doing anything to harm folks but the charts do not lie lol people are getting harmed lmao
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